chapter 23

323 27 5

2019 - fifteen

"the time has elapsed. please put down your pens. pass your question paper in front and i will go around collecting the answer scripts." ms chae announced. 

everyone in class tried so hard to contain their happiness for their last paper is over, and is also the last paper in this school. 

once she had finish collecting their scripts, ms chae said, "please try not to be so loud as other classes might not be done. class, you are dismissed." after taking a foot out of the class, the class went into chaos as everyone scrambled around into their friend groups and discussing answers and making plans at the top of their voices. 

"do y'all want to go to the karaoke later?" chunghee asked and their friend group nodded their heads eagerly. their friend group had consisted of yedam, minji, another 3 girls and 5 guys.

yedam scratched his head, "sorry, minji and i won't be able to go as we made plans already.."

"ayeeee," the other eight said in unison. jaemin chuckled, "y'all don't have to make it so obvious you know."

"huh, it's not what you all are thinking... we are just going to eat tteokbokki. doyoung and minah are coming too." minji replied.

raising his eyebrows cheekily, joohyuk said, "no one said anything rightt." 

seeing yedam and minji's faces turn red, nana quickly helped them, "okay, okay, we need to stop teasing them. one of your friend has came," she pointed at the door where minah was waving. 

"okay, then we'll go already, byebye!" yedam picked his bag up and waved to them. minji followed his actions and quickly followed behind him. 

"he likes her right?" jaemin asked. everyone else gave him a 'duh' face, jiayi said, "you're damn slow..."

"wait then what about doyoung? i thought she liked him?" ryuhyun wondered. 

"hmm... they fought for a period of time i think, i just assumed she didn't like him anymore." chunghee said and the rest nodded in agreement.

"wah, minji is really lucky. really having creme de la creme of our school. one is the student council president that is good at everything, the other is the son of 2 doctors and vice president of the most prestigious club." joohyuk was so amazed. 

nana could only shake her head at the conversation as she remembered how minji had told her she did not want to like anyone anytime soon.


both the mins were holding hands and hopping to the tteokbokki store as yedam and doyoung walked behind them.

"hyung, do you remember what else minji likes from the store?" doyoung asked since they rarely ate tteokbokki with minji as he could not take spice.

yedam thought for a while, "she likes ordering fried chicken so she can dip it in the tteokbokki sauce. oh and gimmari also. but she usually only gets either one because we can't finish it." 

"ohh... i see i see."

once they entered the store, the owner of the store immediately recognised minji and yedam, "ahh hello hello! it's been long since the both of you came," when she saw minah and doyoung, "i see some new faces too!"

"we had exams recently so we could not come as much. it just ended today," minji smiled back as she grabbed a seat beside minah. 

minah pretended to pout, "grandma, i come here quite often too, why don't you remember me?"

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