chapter 32 (end)

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twenty-six - 2030

"luckily we arrived before the ceremony started," minji got out of the car and looked at the high school that was open for the last day. 

"minah is with jihoon at the foyer. let's go meet them there," the male stood up and straightened his dress shirt. 

while walking to the foyer, the duo looked around the school and realised how much it changed from the last time they graduated. the garden had changed, the school was repainted and there were two new blocks built. the school was moving and it was the closing ceremony today. alumni from different batches were invited to come back and everyone was currently waiting for the doors of the auditorium to open. 

"do you still keep in touch in haruto?" 

minji shook her head, "not really, i just know he's coming back today with jeongwoo though." the two were approaching minah and jihoon and could see them waving already. everyone was surprised to know jihoon was coming, despite his busy schedule as a lawyer in one of the most famous law firms in korea. 

"minji! yedam! i thought you guys said you'll be late!" minah exclaimed and hugged minji in excitement. 

yedam glared at minji, "she kept rushing me to drive faster, it was my first time driving through a red light."

"hey but at least we got here on time," minji grinned and hung onto minah's hand, "so when are you getting married?" 

the taller female pouted, "i want to too, but he keeps getting busy with so many cases. what about you?" 

"bullshit..." minji shook her head and looked at the doors of the auditorium being opened, "i guess it's open already. let's go." minah got pulled into the hall with the two boys catching up behind them. 

they got ushered to their seats at the third row and continued their conversations. when yedam left an empty space beside him, minji squinted her eyes, "you're saving a space for him?" 

"he told me to," the fox-eyed said.

"he-," minji was interrupted when someone tapped her from behind. when she turned back, she saw hyunsuk and eunji sitting together and waved to them. "minji! it's been very long." 

"hello! how have the both of you been doing?"

eunji quickly took a card out of her bag and passed it to minji, "you haven't been responding to my messages, so i was hoping i would see you to pass this to you."

"i changed my phone number... i'll give you my new one soon," she then opened the pink card and looked at yedam, "the both of you are getting married?" 

hyunsuk nodded his head, "it's next month. you guys better be there." 

"yeah, if not he'll spam call you the next day," junkyu teased. he walked in holding mashiho's hand. the taller had confessed on their graduation day and got together then. 

"woah, everyone is gathered here without inviting us?" haruto came in with jeongwoo and took a seat beside jihoon.

mashiho savagely said, "when you get a partner that isn't jeongwoo."

"hey! it isn't my fault that his lonely ass keeps coming to my apartment and workplace to complain about his colleagues," haruto rolled his eyes. 

the tanned skin huffed, "well you would be lonelier if i didn't find you." 

"see! he's the reason why i'm single until now with this handsome face." everyone shook their head and pretended they had not heard a word he said. 

jeongwoo looked around and asked, "is someone missing?" minah quickly hushed him up and looked at minji annoyed expression. 

the lights became dimmer and everyone started to become quiet and focused their attention on the spotlight. the emcee invited the principal up and various speeches were given, many performances were shown. soon, it was slowly coming to the end of the ceremony and there was no sign of the male minji was waiting for. 

once the ceremony ended, the group stood at the field and looked at each other, as if they were all thinking about the same thing. jihoon spoke up and asked, "who's up for drinks?" 

"everyone here!" jeongwoo smiled. 

the japanese beside him furrowed his brows, "don't you need to report to work early tomorrow?" 

"so? it's not just everyday you gather with your high school friends!" the taller could only shake his head and comply with his best friend. 

"is doyoung coming?" junkyu sounded out.

yedam checked his phone, "he should be here by now. why not we take our own time and look around the school and come back here in 20 minutes?" the rest agreed with him, just like the old days where he was the leader despite being one of the youngest. 

at that moment, a red hair was seen running towards them and waving, "am i late?" 

"what do you think?" minji facepalmed herself. without words, doyoung quickly engulfed the female in a hug, "i missed you so so much." 

"i hate you so so much," but contradictory to her words, she found herself getting comfortable in the familiar nook of his neck. the male pulled away from the hug and peppered her with kisses all over her face, only to gain repulsive faces from people around them.

"you guys have been together for 10 years, but you're still so affectionate," hyunsuk shook his head. 

"it's all his fault for being overseas for a year without coming back," minji glared at doyoung. the male quickly intertwined their fingers together, "i'm so sorry."

"okay, then should we come back in 20 minutes? and let the two of them have their alone time?" mashiho asked and everyone nodded their head. 

minji looked at the taller, "let's go see the new garden?" doyoung agreed and they walked among the flowers with a new koi pond. 

sensing the silence, the male spoke up, "i'm so sorry three months became a year but the situation was getting even worse and we could not just leave the refugees there like this." 

"i mean, i know you're kind and all but it really worries me at times, especially when internet access there gets cut off and i can't even contact you," minji sighed. she knew doyoung was a kind doctor but he promised it would just be three months before it dragged on even longer. 

"i promise it wouldn't happen again," he swore and looked into her eyes. "park minji."


doyoung let go of her hands and said, "i know you've been waiting long for me to say this," he then got on one knee and took opened a velvet box, 

"would you marry me?" 

a/n: HELLO! this is the end of the story and im really sorry if the ending was really adrupt :( the story was planned out even further until they graduated from high school and she would actually end up with yedam LOL but i decided to save those plots for another story and left it as a happy ending here. 

took me a year plus to write finish this and i think it really holds close to my heart, especially when it is a story about me liking a guy. really similar, i liked him then we fought and drifted then he liked me back. but by that time, i no longer had feelings for him anymore. but it's okay! everyone is still young and there's still time. 

i think a character i really like is yedam, not just the fact he is super reliable and slightly sad that he's second lead. but i really think i wrote him out as an 'ideal type' and the considerations he has to not confess to her. 

i might be writing an epilogue for this story to end it off properly and may start on a dodam or yedam story next. do let me know your opinions! :D

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