chapter 8

394 35 5

2016 - thirteen

"well, then tell the bus to wait for me," doyoung whined and huffed on the phone.

as junkyu raised his eyebrow, minji could only give him a shy smile. she brought the phone away from her ear and explained to the president that her friend was late and he even asked the bus to wait for him. 

"hurry get your dumbass here now," minji sighed.

it was finally the day where the exchange happened and minji was not exactly looking forward to  losing a day of rest. she hugged her windbreaker even closer as the cloud breeze blew past her body. it was sure a cloudy day but it did not get any warmer in winter. in fact, the day was even colder than the previous. 

she went up the bus along with the others as they were going to be taken to kyunggi boys middle school for the exchange. once she went up the bus, she took a seat beside the window, and was about to take her earpiece out of her bag.

"is this seat taken?" hyunsuk asked, only to receive a nod from minji. with that, he took the seat behind her.

just as she was going to take out her earpiece, she then again got interrupted. "can i sit here?" eunji asked. 

minji could only look apologetically and shake her head, "i have to save a seat for doyoung." eunji understood and took the seat in front of her. 

speaking of the devil, doyoung scrambled up the bus and scanned through the entire bus to find his friend. a smile of relief could be seen when he realised that she indeed saved a spot for him. 

"you're a great friend," doyoung pat minji's head as he sat down. 

the latter could only huff, "i can't believe yedam does this for you almost on a daily basis."

"well too bad he isn't here now," doyoung chuckled as pulled something out of his pockets. he grabbed minji's hands and put the heat pack in them, closing it again to let her hands envelope the heat pack. 

when he did that, minji could feel that her young heart had skipped a beat with doyoung's sudden actions. she let out a small thank you as she tightened her grip on the heat pack.

"yedam asked me to bring that because you catch a cold easily," he then went closer to minji's face and whispered, "am i the only one curious why they are not sitting together?'

minji's breathing hitched with the little distance between doyoung and her, trying to force her little heart to calm down. he was just a friend.

going back to doyoung's question, it was needless to say that he was talking about eunji and hyunsuk. 

"they fought yesterday," minji pinched her forehead as she remembered how she could not sleep the entire night when the couple was ranting to her about the situation. it was the second fight they had since she had gotten close to eunji. 

previously, when she was only close to hyunsuk, she would always hear his side of the story and always had the impression that eunji was quite a demanding girlfriend. however, after hearing eunji's side as well, she then realised hyunsuk was not exactly the best boyfriend and she fully understood eunji. 

that day, hyunsuk had slept through his alarm and stood eunji up on their date. he was playing games the entire night and by the time he woke up, his messages were flooded with curses. he showed up in eunji's house with her favourite bubble tea, and got chased away.

from eunji, the text was all about "this was not even the first time", "why must i always be the one to give in", "if i was the one, he probably will be even madder".

and from hyunsuk, it was the "why can't she understand", "i already said im sorry", "what more does she want". 

"you couldn't sleep the entire night again?" doyoung asked. 

with a whole lot of sarcasm, minji said, "slept very very soundly."

he laughed and let minji's head rest on his shoulder, "here, you can sleep soundly here." 

that was the third time within three minutes that minji's heartbeat quickened and she was dumbfounded. it could not be that she was coming to have a crush on doyoung. 

a/n: do remember to vote too! the next chap would be on christmasss

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