chapter 28

294 31 2

sixteen - 2020

"doyoung, do you know where the computing room is?" class had just ended and haruto had to meet a teacher there.

while packing his stuff, the older replied, "it's at the second level of block F, the same block as the library."

"could you bring me there or are you in a rush?"

"i'm meeting minji first. are you okay if we meet her first then I bring you to the computer room?" doyoung carried his bag.

haruto nodded his head and begin to follow doyoung out of the classroom, "where are the both of you going to?"

"oh, we are just going to drink bubble tea. It's been quite long since we have went out together."

"so you know who she likes already?" haruto asked. He wondered if the two have already told each other about their feelings after what he had told doyoung the day before.

"nope," he said, popping the p, "we're just going to go out and catch up as friends."


"yea, friends," doyoung reaffirmed. he was really scared to find out if minji actually likes yedam.

"ah, your friend is packing her bag already," haruto popped his head into minji's class. 

not seeing doyoung, minji looked confused as to why the japanese was here instead, "eh? why did you suddenly come here?"

"cause i missed you," haruto joked and walked to her with open arms. he was then pulled back by doyoung, who then walked into the class as well, "stop being dumb."

a slight smile instantly flashed on minji's face, as much as she tried to hide it. it has been 2 weeks since they were in the new school but she still could not get over how good doyoung looked in the new uniform. "have i ever told you, how good you look in this uniform?"

"you don't have to tell me for me to know," doyoung adjusted his uniform, "besides, i can see it all over your face."

"i hate your confidence," minji carried her bag and stretched her hand out for doyoung to hold on to. 

intertwining their fingers together, doyoung pointed to haruto at the same time, "at least i'm less narcissistic than this guy here."

the taller was only adjusting his bangs, pretending not to be jealous at how minji and doyoung so naturally held hands. they had matching bracelets too. "hey, don't get me involved in this."

"are you coming along too?" minji asked.

"nope, doyoung is just bringing me to the computer room. and i don't want to disturb someone's romantic time right?," he whispered the last part loud enough for minji to hear. 

she quickly hit haruto's stomach out of reflex, "shut up." 

"ouch," he held onto his abdomen, "doyoung, control your girl."

"ya! do you want to get hit again?" minji eyed haruto. 

doyoung quickly pulled minji to the side so he was standing in the middle of the two, "okay kids, stop fighting. minji say sorry now."

"why me," she pointed at haruto, "he started it first."

"i didn't start anything. you hit me first," haruto childishly rebutted back. 

"no, you said something you shouldn't have." 

"what did he say?" doyoung raised his eyebrow. 

knowing minji would not be able to say it, haruto stuck his tongue out in victory. minji took her hand away from doyoung and crossed her arms, "i'm sorry haruto."

although doyoung was still curious at what watanabe had said to her, he decided to shrug it off first and wave haruto goodbye first as they had reached the computing room. he then looked at minji, "are you angry?" 

when she did not respond, the kim tried again, "hmm?" 

"i'm not angry," she started to walk away but was stopped by doyoung. the male started to unfold her crossed arms and held onto her left hand where she wore the bracelet they had. while fiddling with the small daisy on the bracelet, he asked, "you sure?"

minji slowly nodded her head and looked on the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with the male. she knew she could not stay mad at doyoung for long. the kim took this to his advantage and cupped her cheeks, placing a peck on her nose, "still mad?" 

with her heart skipping a beat, she looked at doyoung in the eyes. was it normal for best friends to act this way? to be so affectionate with each other? she did not even do such stuff with minah. while being preoccupied with her thoughts, she was deaf to doyoung's previous question. the male had not let go of his grasp on her face, and placed another kiss on her forehead. 

the female shook her head and took a step back. 'i've been fine with this all along, why am i suddenly thinking about it like this? it's not like i want more from this relationship right? park minji, have you not learnt your lesson?' she scolded herself internally. 

"i'm not mad," minji said with thoughts flooding her head, "let's go." 

doyoung hooked his hand together with minji's, "do you want to walk there to take the bus?" 

"the weather is good today, let's just walk," minji smiled slightly. in fact, she wanted to walk because walking would mean that they could spend more time together. 

"what's on your mind?" doyoung had no idea why minji suddenly looked so confused and in her own world. 

instead of hooking their hands together, minji slide her hand down so she could hold his hands properly. "young ah," she gave his hand a slight squeeze.

"did something happen?" doyoung was slightly scared of what minji was about to say, knowing that she was hardly ever nervous like this.

she shook her head, "nothing happened, it's just," her hand become tenser, "is it normal for best friends to be like this? this affectionate?" 

the male could not blink. did she want to stop this altogether? 

"ah, just... never mind," she shook her head and joked, "i was just wondering how you would find a girlfriend if we were so close." hearing her, the male slightly frowned. he did not want a girlfriend if it was not her. 

"how about we properly talk about this after getting the bubble tea? hmm?" doyoung did not want to avoid the topic. he could tell minji really wanted a proper discussion about this and was trying to shrug it off, in case it places them in an awkward position. more importantly, he was worried that she was thinking about this because she was disturbed on how yedam would think of them being like this. 

"mm," minji felt slightly relieved and started swinging their hands back and forth. 

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