chapter 5

418 33 6

2016 - thirteen

"i can't believe the two of you planned the entire celebration like a proposal, and forced us to do the same," minah said exasperatedly while scrolling through the document to ensure all the decorations they needed were already up.

well, it was a habit for minji and yedam. everything needed to be organised properly and neatly for everything to function. their planning for a simple birthday celebration looked like a formal document ready to be vetted by a teacher. 

if there were any grammatical mistakes, yedam would call it out and if there were any mistakes in formatting, minji would correct it. poor minah was not used it this, and could not understand why the duo could not simply plan a birthday like normal people. all she wanted to do was write it on a paper and plan it roughly, instead of a formal document with a programme flow, logistics, finance and other aspects.  

furthermore, minah could not understand how minji and yedam could readily do such a document any day and do it for the rest of the years they have in council. 

sure, it was neat and easily understood, but it was too much work. too much for a simple birthday.

chaerin just laughed, "they're really too alike. but hey, at least the decorations looks good!" 

it was a celebration for doyoung, so of course his other close friends were involved in planning it. not only chaerin that he was close to, but people from his clique in his class too. everyone that was close to him since childhood, to elementary and now middle school, were all invited. 

and with this big party, the group of them were determined to make this birthday a memorable one, especially with it being his first birthday celebrating with them. 

"hurry hurry, it's 11am. his other friends are going to come soon, " taemin, one of the friends in his clique said. 

everyone the hurried the task they were assigned to do, with yedam overseeing the entire process and making sure everything was going smoothly. 

minji stood at the door, waiting for the guests to start streaming in. her job was to take note of his friends who have arrived and hand them a party popper each. 

she was not the closest to doyoung but she was one of the low key popular people in the batch, and would easily recognise the people coming in as well. 

after fifteen minutes passed, the group organising had finished their assigned tasks, and started to entertain the guests then came in to ensure no one was feeling left out.

"hi! welcome, here is a party popper for you," minji smiled as she continued passing it out to the guests. many were coming in, so she did not have the time to take a glance at them either. 

this particular guest did not move from his position and asked her, "why have you been ignoring my texts?"

this voice was familiar and it could come from no other than the person she liked so much. as she lifted her head up, she saw eunji by his side staring at her. that girl was small, but she was scary, and minji definitely did not want to offend her in any ways. 

"i'm really sorry, but could we leave this for later? as you can see, there are many people coming in right now," minji looked at the people behind him apologetically. she, herself, knew that she will avoid it and will not talk about it 'later' as well. however, it was not like hyunsuk could remain stubborn about the issue when he had his girlfriend by his side. all he could do was sigh and walk away from the scene. 

eunji, on the other hand, did not know how to feel about this situation. she was right by his side, but he was trying to get the attention of another girl. she knew hyunsuk and minji were close, and she also knew why minji was distancing herself from hyunsuk. 

was hyunsuk then oblivious or plain dumb to be unaware of minji feelings? 

and to eunji's feelings about this matter?

she hated it, of course. but she never once thought of bringing it up to hyunsuk or fighting the younger about it. she did not want to be a girlfriend that controlled what her boyfriend did and hence let it be. all eunji could do was to occasionally complain about it to her friends. 


soon, all those invited were all in the room and everyone was waiting for the entrance of the birthday boy. 

doyoung supposedly thought he would be meeting his friends in the nearest shopping mall and having lunch there, only to be blindfolded the moment he stepped out of his house. he obediently followed chaerin, probably already knowing it was a birthday surprise. 

when yedam was peeking through the door to see the arrival of chaerin and doyoung, he quickly signalled to the rest "1, 2, 3" as the duo walked in to see everyone and a clamorous mess. colours flew around the room and multiple loud explosive sounds were made by the party poppers. 

it was a terrible mess, but they could think about it a few hours later when it came to packing up. 

the birthday boy stood at the door, stupefied by how so many of his friends were gathered at one single place. no wonder they all said they were not free, he even complained to yedam that everyone forgot it was his birthday.

taking the cake into her hands, she then stood in front of doyoung with everyone singing the birthday song. no, not singing, they were screaming the birthday song. because his friends included park jihoon. 

this made some wonder, just what relationship doyoung and chaerin had. usually the cake is held by the the most important person or the person that he is closest to. if doyoung was not dating anyone, then was it not right that yedam was the one holding the cake? 

this was shortly forgotten as he started making his wishes.

"first wish," everyone chanted.

with his hands clasped together, " i wish to stop failing literature."

this made everyone laugh as they continued, "second wish."

"i wish that i have someone for christmas."

what kind of wish was that? yedam then said, "third and last wish to be kept to yourself."

doyoung then closed his eyes and prayed hard for the final wish. fluttering his eyes open, he smiled and blew the candles on the cake held in front of him. 

a series of claps and cheering could be heard as everyone begin to head back to where they were seated and continued to entertain themselves.

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