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(min.ggggggg) pjwoo replied to your story:
when will my ship sail

(min.ggggggg) 0314.hoon replied to your story:
wtf dude... there's such a fine man in front of you and you tell me you have no chance

(dobbyoung) kyu12345 replied to your story:
so you ditched me for her  >:(

(min.ggggggg) watanabe_ replied to your story:
and you tell me yall are not dating???


"bruh, it has been three years since we've been like this, why do people still ship us," minji sighed after looking at her phone's notifications.

"it's fine, i mean we're used to it," doyoung took a sip of his milk tea and passed it to her.

she simply took a sip of it and said, "when will people realise it's not possible?"

"why though? why can't we be more than just friends?" he took the cup back carelessly, making the whole drink spill on the ground. 

their footsteps paused for a moment, as they looked at each other. "really?" was what she said. but he did not know whether that was implying to his actions or his words.


their friendship all started in middle school, when they were thirteen and dumb. 

a/n: hello! it is my second fanfic for treasure and it will be on doyoung! the ages of the members won't be real and the story will start from 2016 when doyoung was 13! i will be speeding through 2016 and 2017 because the climax comes in 2018.

hey, best friend // treasure's kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now