chapter 6

392 30 9

2016 - thirteen

"oh, it's the girl hyunsuk played around with," it was a casual conversation among friends, but it was loud. loud enough for minji and the mentioned boy to hear.

with doyoung and yedam currently with minji, it was no doubt that they could hear it too and they wanted to stand up and tell that guy off. she could see it in their eyes, that they were mad that someone was talking shit about their friend. however, such rumours had been going around and minji was used to it. she only shook her head to indicate to the other two that she did not care and they should continue where they left off.

on the other hand, hyunsuk was seated with eunji and some other friends. he was in no position to tell the person off and could only feel sorry that such rumours had been going about minji. he never thought he had played with her from the start, and genuinely felt that minji was nice and wanted to know her better.

another boy then chipped in, "how is she like though? to have multiple boys circling around her, there must be something special about her."

"bruh, she isn't even that pretty. and i heard she's even trying to get hyunsuk back from eunji? funny, isn't she?"

it was false but rumours were rumours and minji was trying not to care but inside, she was mad. however, she could not stir up a fight with someone she barely knew, and in the birthday party of her friend, with him sitting in front of her.

the three boys, however, got angry on behalf of her and all stood up from their seats at the same time.

"a little loud, aren't you?" yedam started off.

"i don't think my birthday is a place for you to gossip," doyoung crossed his hands.

the boy who talked about minji could only scoff, "what is this? knights in shining armor?"

even though the party was loud, they were louder and more people started pay attention to what was happening.

"shut up if you know nothing about us," hyunsuk stated, making others shocked by the fact he was trying to defend minji but it did not clear up misunderstandings, and instead made things worse.

"oh so the player has something to say too," another boy chuckled.

yedam usually did not want to get involved in fights but he was mad that two of his friends were getting shit talked about, "stop talking-"

minji then cut yedam off, "the both of you sit down."

ignoring her, "stop talking shit if-"

"i said sit down," minji said more firmly.

doyoung looked worriedly at minji as he could tell the latter was also trying to control her anger, lest it gets the best of her.

"minji ah," yedam said softly.

she then stood up as well, "i'll leave here for a while. it a bit suffocating," and walked out of the room.

just as doyoung was about to go after her, yedam held onto his wrist, "i'll go. it's your birthday today, you can't leave this place."

the latter then went after minji as he found her at the staircase kicking the stairs.

everyone saw the scene unfold in front of them and did not feel that it was suspicious that any of the two would go after minji. because if it happened to any other friend, doyoung and yedam would respond the same. it was not that special.

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