chapter 10

414 31 27

2017 - fourteen

"what the hell? the first day of school and you're telling me this kind of bullshit already?" minji burst out. 

"we're sorry, we really never found a good chance to tell it to you..." yedam said and was about to pat minji's head.

minji only glared at him, "don't touch me." her chair hit the table behind her when she stood up, making the whole class look at them in silence.

"we messed up," minah sighed. 

yedam and minah had just broke the news to minji that they had left the radio club and has been approved by junkyu. for minji, it just felt like her two friends left her behind without telling her. furthermore, this decision was made by the two of them, together. 

the two friends chased after the female and gave her a banana milk, "please..." minah pouted.

"i hate the both of you," minji frowned, "now what am i going to do in the club?"

"i thought you have your new best friend now, you don't need us anymore," yedam smirked.

"talking about that..." minji started off, and she knew she would need to tell the two of them the feelings she had for the taller boy, "i think i like him."

the two then got even quieter, "since when?" the male prompted.

"i don't know, but i realised i definitely had feelings for him during the school exchange."

"you know he will be nice to everyone right?" minah asked, slightly worried. 

minji softly said, "that's why i like him."

"you're whipped," yedam leaned onto the wall behind and shook his head.

"i think so too..."

"help me," minji pleaded.

"with what?"

"help me get close to him," minji smiled.

yedam took out his phone and said, "well, that's a piece of cake. are the two of you free this saturday?" 

the two girls nodded their heads and yedam proceeded to ask doyoung to free up his saturday for them. 


it was soon a saturday and the four of them had decided to eat korean barbeque in a nearby shopping mall. unexpectedly, yedam and minji were both wearing matching colours, white and blue, causing doyoung to tease them since they met. 

"i'll go get the drinks first. minah, what would you like?" yedam asked.

"coke, thank you!"

"okay, minji green tea and doyoung coke too right?" yedam confirmed with them. the two nodded their head, used to how yedam knew their preferences so well. 

while minji was grilling the meat, doyoung told them, "the way minji and yedam are doing all the work and taking care of us makes them feel like a couple." 

"i think the both of us are used to serving other people since he is the only child and im the oldest in my family," minji shook her head. 

minah then whispered to minji, "we're trying to make you closer to doyoung but all he is doing is shipping you with yedam."

minji did not reply her and focused on grilling the meat. once it was cooked, she would cut the meat into slices and purposely gave more slices to doyoung. this continued for a while and yedam had returned as well. 

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