Family Fight

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Chapter 34

POV Smoothie

Brother Katakuri and I were trying to pressure Syrup while brother Daifuku was recovering from yet another busted genie and as for brother Cracker...who knows how far he was flung.

Me: Banana Frappe Smoothie!!

A highly concentrated beam of sugary energy shot out towards Syrup who did a backflip to avoid it as the beam went through the arch of her back.

Two massive blades clashed against each other in a mastery of Swordsmanship and Spearmanship(?). Both a master in their own arts, the two weapons clashed over and over as the ground around them got ripped apart.

I could see Syrup jumping around and swinging the massive blade, easily twice her size, as if it weighed nothing...though when brother Katakuri's foot was buried into the ground whenever he blocked her swings from above...I could easily tell that blade was worth it's weight, if not more.

The energy and haki they had put into their weapons were producing sickle winds that began to slice apart the mirror walls as parts that were not hit or blocked made crashed onto the outside.

Syrup: Brother, you know I'm better than you at Weapon Mastery. You're a brawler, not a Weapon Master.

Katakuri: Then perhaps we just need to set it back to our fists.

With a mighty clash, brother Katakuri's Mole caught the massive butcher blade between two of its points before holding it down as he raised his other arm covered in edge Mochi.

Syrup: *gasp* You wouldn't dare! I had to personally ask the blacksmith to forge that!

Katakuri: You can make it again once you're thinking straight again. *CRASHHH!* *shatter* *shatter*

The force of his punch shattered the butcher blade but also his Trident as the force was passed on. Both of them letting go of their now-useless-weapons, they reverted back to their brawler's (hand to hand combat) positions.

Seeing as now there was little risk in getting hacked to pieces when standing near her, I deemed that it was time to join the fight again.

Me: Get her!

Katakuri: Edge Mochi

Syrup: Edge Snow

Two highly condensed fists collided with each other as the shockwave ripped away at the material holding together the mirror realm.

Syrup: Yield brother. You can't hold me here

Katakuri: I've got a duty to hold together this family. No matter what it takes!

I put down my blade to the side as I held it in a close combat stance before rushing in to help brother. If Syrup was just going to dodge everything, I wouldn't want to waste my energy on continuing to blast her.

Me: It's a 2v1 Close combat!

Daifuku: *groan* Make it 3v1!

Brother Daifuku carefully shuffled up onto his feet before summoning, yet again, another genie which rushed to our aid.

Syrup's back exploded into dozens of tendrils and limbs which flung at brother Daifuku's genie and myself while her original form fought against brother Katakuri.

Katakuri: You're outnumbered and outgunned!


For the first time, brother managed to get a clean hit across Syrup's jaw as she was sent flying before tumbling across. I stood by to check if this was not a faux while my brothers rushed in, not willing to let their attack go.

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