Whole Cake Madness

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Chapter 26

Katakuri: You're nervous...what could possibly make you nervous?

Me: Many things brother. I am afraid of many things.

Katakuri: Still, this is unlike you to be so afraid of something. Tell me, what is wrong?

A mochi hand expanded around me as he sat down and carried me close. Sitting by the wall he pulled me onto his lap and made me face him.

Me: Nothing brother. There is nothing wrong.

Katakuri: I know you too well to know that is a lie. Now tell me before I force it out of you dear little sister.

I didn't want to tell him. It'd hurt him to know the truth of what I was thinking; that I believed that despite his efforts...this family was dysfunctional, that Mama was going to be the end of us all. That I wanted to leave everything behind...even if that meant leaving brother as well. Ever since the battle on Dressrosa, the outlook of things...got more extreme. I always knew that things were never going to last but the taste of defeat was bitter, the call of power too sweet to refuse and the beckoning cry of the sea too loud to ignore any longer.

Me: Nothing is wrong brother. It is simply my worry about the Germa Kingdom. They have only ever been defeated once and that was hundreds of years ago.

I lied. Brother Katakuri's observation haki could probably tell I was lying but I knew he wouldn't continue to pick on him. He was too kind for that after all.

Katakuri: A North Blue Kingdom against an Emperor? You don't need to worry. I'll leave you to your studies then little sister.

As he left I couldn't help but think about what lay beyond this horror Disney land mama had created. Of course I knew what was beyond, but I meant that as in what was there for me? I was known as Mama's pet or Sweet Commander. Everything defined about me was part of the Charlotte Family. Maybe Mama never used her love or compassion if she even knew how to, but through everything else...she kept her children, especially the strong ones, tied to the family.

Those who left the Pirate crew often never met good ends. Lola might have ended up better than most but it was only a coincidence that the Straw Hats happened upon Thriller Bark and was both strong and naive enough to help them. Most pirates, including myself, would not do that.

I was distracted by my thoughts when the den den mushi began to ring. Sanji was captured...the Whole Cake Arc was beginning.

Pudding: Sis...I'm not sure if I can do this.

Me: Pudding. I'm not sure how many times I need to tell you this but you need to be confident in yourself. Whether he likes it or not...you will be playing the part of getting married. So enjoy yourself. See for yourself whether you would enjoy killing him or not?

Pudding: What do you mean?

Me: Show him who you are. Show this side of you...as well as the cruel part. Come out true to him so he knows who he is dealing with. When he responds either way, you'll need to come to a decision.

Pudding: What decision?

Me: Whether you'll stick with the family or your own.

POV Vinsmoke Judge, King of Germa Kingdom

The meeting between the Big Mom Pirates and us went as good as it could be...for a Kingdom making an alliance with Pirates. What that meant was there was only a little bit of threats flying across the table while the gist of the agreement was formed; Sanji would marry Pudding and the alliance would be solidified. In return for Big Mom Pirate's help in clearing out the forces of North Blue, the Germa Kingdom would share their cloning and weapon technology.

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