Burn it All Down

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Chapter 4

AN: I love dressing formal. Especially during Winter. Anyone else?

POV Cracker. Third Union Fleet

Roma River. (On the way to Italicia)


That was the way Cracker would describe how he felt. Utterly and completely bored in this boring, dull, landscape.

He knew that if any of his siblings saw him complaining, they would call him hypocritical.

"Shut up and do your job you nutcase." Katakuri would say.

"At least you get to explore a new region." Smoothie would say.

Or perhaps the best one yet... " ... take a shower..." His little sister Syrup would remark.

During his time as the Admiral of the third Union Fleet, charged with maintaining the inner circle of Totta Land and the Union territories safe, he had complained on and on about the horrendous, god-cursed, weather of the New World.

Not that he had learned or experienced anything different but at some point, one got to know simply how much of a curse their natural environment was. With the ocean tides bringing down entire mountains of water, the lightning, the indescribable freak storms and the crazy unspeakable which happened on the seas...it truly was a cursed seas.

Mama had a theory of why people seemed so much stronger in the New World. She believed that the connection to the sea, in which she believed was alive, was much stronger in the New World and thus it forced the people to bear the grunt of the stronger-willed ocean. Those who couldn't merely died...and only the strong remains.

Personally, he thought that was bullshit but who was he to say that to Mama? It wasn't as if he had a better idea or theory. He liked to leave the 'thinking' part of things to Mont'dor and Perospero while he would just raise his shield and lance and go ham with the enemies of the New World.

Mama would probably kill him if she found out that he left all of his paperwork and stamp to the Mantis Shrimp (Clone) Commander but that was a story for another time. What can he say? He just really didn't like writing.

To the idiots who said that a pen is stronger than a sword...well, he bet his sword could crush a pen. Idiots, all of them.

(Cracker would find out later on that Linlin had known about him not doing his paperwork himself. He would be the chore of repairing houses around Totta Land for a week.)

But seriously, the world here was so boring. So so boring.

Quite literally, there was nothing of significance or excitement happening. This was the stuff that Syrup and Pudding would like, so why did Katakuri have to push for him to be sent instead?

In fact, it has been over a week since he had crossed over and the most fun he had was watching the bandits of this world get ripped apart by the wasps from a mile away. No chance to even raise his lance or give out orders. It was done by the time he blinked. Donut loving jerk always got all the fun.

So here he was flowing down the Roma River (as the locals called it) with a quarter of his fleet looking to cut off the enemy Empire from their resources. With only 30 medium sized Snail Ships and a few dozen snail tanks, not even a single fortress, they've been sailing down this boring river. For the hours his fleet had been sailing down, it had been nothing but silence...if you ignore the occasional moaning sounds the snails made. (His mother would yell "God Dammit Oda!" He had no idea who this Oda was but Mama seeemed to hate him)

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