No Holding Back

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Chapter 9

The world tilted as Whitebeard activated his Devil Fruit. The waves around the ship rose as the Moby Dick began to look like a small toy ship compared to it.

Me: Crazy Old man! Do you even have a plan to survive this??!

Whitebeard: Gurararara!!! Somehow things always work fine!

He probably had a solution similar to Sengoku's where he would crack the air to produce shockwaves to push the waves around him back. Or creating a mini safe zone for himself while I would have to get near him to be in that zone. He would surely get me if I stayed close to him for so long...but if I didn't.

I looked at the towering waves of water as it threatened to capsize the massive vessel. I looked back and saw Whitebeard smiling smugly. One hand still gripping the cracked air as he brought the ever large wave above and directly above the ship.

His other hand was also encased in the white sphere as he prepared for both close combat as well as to defend himself from the massive tsunami.

I looked at the wave in shock until...he let go and the water began falling down.

Newgate: Gurarara!! Looks like you really are planning to die. Or do you perhaps have a plan for this as well?

Honestly, I didn't like using my Devil Fruit. I knew it wasn't time to be cocky but my Devil fruit was...addictive. The Devil Fruit was like the lure of a Big Mac during my attempt at a diet in my past life, but sometimes desperate times called for desperate needs.

Me: *whispers* Cube

A small cube formed in the palm of my hand before expanding. It expanded outward until it covered approximately half of the Moby Dick as the wave came crashing down.

Me: There will be no water in my kitchen.

As the water passed through the transparent barrier, the water first dissipated into mist and then nothing. Whitebeard himself looked shocked as he did not expect an ability like that.

Me: I have consumed The Kitchen-Kitchen No-mi, a direct superior of the ope-ope no mi. As far as I'm concerned, Anyone and anything inside my kitchen is nothing more than ingredients on my table. Including you...should you feel weaker and slower within my cube, then it is due to my ability.

Newgate: Gurararara!! What an interesting ability brat!

As the world returned to normal, I saw the sensed the shocked expressions of the others on the other ship as they realized I was totally fine.

Me: I'll be attacking first then. *Mise en Place*

I ran towards him and began to slice at every open skin that Whitebeard showed. Unlike before, this time I made deeper cuts. All over his body, red cross marks appeared as my knives slashed over his open skin.

As his chest got covered in Haki, I was forced to stop my slashing but that didn't mean I couldn't attack.

Me: *Skewer*

The chef's knife I was holding turned into a utility knife as a haki covered tip impaled itself into Whitebeard's arm. He grimaced as he showed pain but I wasn't done.

Me: *Frenching*

Enhanced by my devil fruit, the knife forced its way upwards into the arm, cutting through hard muscle and into the fat. Whitebeard's other fist was raised as he prepared to punch me with whatever he had ready.

Newgate: KAISHIN


I let go of the knife and left it buried in his arms as I prepared for my own strike against him. I turned the cleaver onto its handle and met his strike head on.

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