Whole Cake, but no lactose please

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Chapter 31

The Heart Pirates haven't managed to get to their Submarine yet, or really it was just Law, Bepo and Penguin. They apparently docked at a different place than the Strawhats did as their location was far from the Seducing Woods.

Me: *bzzt* This is Sweet Commander Syrup. Those near the Board Harbor watch out for the Heart Pirates in Orange Jumpsuits. Report to me if they come there

I can't think of anywhere else they could have docked their ship safely except for the edge of the Board harbor around the Caramel Cliffs.

I would probably just threaten them a bit before letting them go so as they cause more trouble and chaos for our troops, earning me the time I need.

*bzzt* *bzzt*

Thinking it was a report back from the homies, I reflexively reached into my inventory and pulled out the den den mushi before answering. Realizing only then that it was the Special black Model that was ringing and not the Sugar-Model of the Big Mom Pirates

I suppressed a blush as I saw the tell-tale signs of the fiery snail that it morphed into.

Me: Hey Ace

Ace: I would love to hear your sweet voice more but I need to keep it short to prevent your network from noticing.

Me: Networks are down Ace. A Massive explosion has ruined the communications network except for the first and second layer. We can talk for as much as we want...but I think we can catch up later.

Ace: Good good. That means my forces can send updates more frequently. The 2nd Division of the Whitebeard is closing in around the edge of Totta Land. First Division with Pops will enter behind me by a couple of hours maximum!

Me: You haven't been spotted yet?

Ace: No, that's Pop's job. 2nd Division will be entering stealthily.

Me: *smile* See you soon love

Ace: See you soon

With that, the line disconnected just as I flew over the Cliff revealing a relatively well-hidden Submarine. Someone passing by might have missed it but this was a Yellow submarine we were talking about. If you knew what you were looking for...it was quite easy to tell it was there.

Me: I don't really want to pull a brother Katakuri move but...

I landed on the top of the vessel and forced open the hatch as I waited for the trio to come to my location.

Me: I'm not really the type to go searching for them either. If they want to leave...they'll have to come get their ship.


It seems like the bulk of the Big Mom forces ended up chasing the others. I saw Big Mom herself follow the StrawHats into the woods.

Shit! Did this mean that our plan for Wano was done for? No...no...I'm sure that idiot would somehow make it out alive. He seemed to have a gift for breaking expectations in whatever way possible. Besides, we already had our hands full with our own problems.


I cut away yet another chess solider troop trying to ambush us as we rushed to the cliff. Somehow it seemed like the chess soldiers already knew that we were goin to rush here...please don't tell me they destroyed or took our submarine, then we were truly done for.

Bepo: We're still being chases captain!

Penguin: Stop stating the obvious Bepo!

Bepo: *depressed* Sorry...

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