AU. The Biggest of Mothers x Gate

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IMPORTANT! This is an AU of the Charlotte Family. Based on the previous OneShot the 'Biggest of Mothers' which is a chapter before this. If you don't remember, please refresh your memory by reading that first!

Thank you :) and Enjoy

Chapter 2

Biggest of Mothers x Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There

POV (Former) Captain Yander

In the most dangerous waters of the world even the most basic of navigation is considered nigh impossible. Only the greatest, the strongest, and the most determined can safely navigate the waters of the New World. Captain Yander, once a famed captain of the Yander Pirates, was among the few to have reached the New World from the four blues. Having made his name in the Blues he remembered the day when he decided to try for the GrandLine; days which were filled with confidence, arrogance...and yet enough strength to back him and his crew up.

Within a mere five years, his crew had penetrated through Paradise and begun their journey into the New World.

That was the biggest mistake of his life. A mistake in which had cost him everything 4 years ago. A mistake in which he had just barely recovered from only to foolishly betray his benefactor.

Truly his pirate spirit was his own enemy. Should he be able to talk to his former self 7 months ago, he would be tempted to kill him himself.

"Row faster you dogs! Row faster!" He screamed at the top of his lungs to his crew as another massive wave of the 'New World' threatened to sink their entire ship, a massive galleon, underwater. Yet it was not the treacherous waters of the New World that the Yander pirates were running from, nor was it the pursuers were far worse than anything in their cursed world.

As another towering wave of the New World sunk under the depths, for a fleeting second it showed the glimpse of what it was. A massive fleet of a hundred strong floating fortresses breaking through the waves...all headed straight for them.

"Fuck!" He had expected it...he had knew it would happen...such was the result of defying her after all, but one would think that after multiple failed attempts she would let him go.

"Once she decides, then your fate is set in stone." That was what his first mate had told him long ago as they sailed into her territory...beaten, bruised, and all but dead. "She accepts all into her lands. A Paradise for all."

It was in that Paradise that they had found their peace and freedom. Without any questioning, they found themselves welcome and saved from the foot of death itself. A rookie pirate captain from the Blues or Paradise overestimating himself and trying his luck in the New World...for them, it was too common a story.

He pulled on his dark long beard as he began to hyperventilate. He knew what happened to the rule breakers...there were few but they were enough to set an example. After all there were very few fools foolish enough to defy her one will, her one rule.

And what had he done?

He clutched at the golden rings that now adorned his left hand. Gold which shone so bright now seemed dark...reminding him of blood...the blood that he had spilt. The price that he would have to pay for.

"Sail faster you dogs!" He screamed once again as his voice began to shake. The fortresses were looking closer than before. "Row faster if you don't want to die!"

Damn these winds!

They were running away in the opposite direction of the winds. The sails were of no help...not that it would have helped again them anyway from what he knew. If the person on the main fortress was who he thought it was...then he was only delaying the inevitable.

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