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Chapter 5

AN: Fuck. I have Covid. WTF I'm double vaccinated. Travel plans ruined. Sorry friend...looks like I can't go on that Euro tour after all. At least our rooms are refundable.

AN2: I can't breathe. I can't smell. I can't taste. My head is literally on an internal fire. Covid sucks so much ass. God kill me please agghhhhhhhhdhdhfhjhjbsfllshl. Should have gotten that fucking booster shot or something!!

AN3: Three days after that first mental breakdown. I'm feeling better on the nose situation. Got a friend to buy me a nose congestation thing. I'm running low on Tylenol but that's what friends are for.

AN4: You know how bad things are when the thing you look forward to in a day becomes a bath. I choose to bath over shower simply because now I have the time and literally nothing else. Sad part? I don't even have a bath bomb. I haven't taken a bath in like years and suddenly, bam! covid. Now I love baths.

AN5: I never knew McDonalds tasted so good. Friend ordered and put it in front of my door. Why am I logging...I feel like a crazy person. I obviously do not do well with quarantine/isolation. I'm in college! Give me my parties back!!!

AN6: One day until I am released from my own jail aka my dorm. I'm going to go for a run. There's a nice lake and woods where I live now...I love running and this damn virus has turned me into a sloth.

AN7: ...freedom.

TOTTA LAND. Whole Cake Island.

The Queen. The Matriarch. The Biggest of Mothers. Charlotte Linlin was sitting on her couch, leaning back into the soft leather, as she massaged her temples. As she read the reports on what had transpired in the previous hours in what they began to call the 'Special Region'...she knew she had a headache coming her way.

'Charlotte Cracker, the Admiral of the Third Union Fleet, then ordered to open fire on the newly discovered faction.'

'Admiral Cracker proceeded to shoot down several 'flying contraptions' and proceed to lay waste to the city of Italicia'.

... The city was supposed to be a trading card! A Hostage! Or at the very least held by them to cut the Empire from their southern vassals. It wasn't meant to be absolutely steamrolled over and brought to ruin.

Well...then again, she had sent Cracker after all. What had she expected?

She glared at the snail transponder in front of her; the said snail sitting rather uncomfortably on the high stool it was on. The snail had a wild blue hairstyle and a fuse which was lit behind it. In other words...the transponder snail was connected directly to Cracker.

"So Umm...Mama. I can explain. You see-"

"Cracker. Be quiet. I need to think." She cut him off. As much as she adored his antics and fun, sometimes she wondered how one of her children could ever grow as thickheaded and thoughtless as Cracker. Sure, it was one of his qualities...but sometimes it was annoying to deal with.

"Yes Mama... ...sorry."

*sigh* She huffed at one of her older son's apologies. As much as she couldn't believe it, Cracker was closer to 50 than 40 in age. it a mother's love but despite knowing that Cracker was well beyond the age of a 'teenager' or a child, there was always a part of her who wished to just cuddle her children like babies forever.

"It's fine Cracker. But do not antagonize them further. faction seems rather dangerous." She contemplated as she watched over the recorded footage from the scene.

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