Vinsmokes and Charlottes

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Chapter 6

AN: It's so great to be back! Finals are over (finally). I haven't slept for 30 hours trying to study FA, and I've just woke up from a nine hour nap right after the exam. I've recovered from COVID with all 5 of my senses. My lungs aren't harmed. All of the damn snow outside is finally beginning to melt and I have a reservation for a special meal in a couple of days!

AN: Life's going great. Will continue to be so until the semester starts again in a little less than 3 weeks. Also, Happy Lunar New Year!

AN: Something about writing when drunk is nice. So much more productive. Hail vodka.

POV Vinsmoke Judge, King of the Germa Kingdom. Leader of Germa 66

The rightful yet exiled king of the North Blue was not having a good day. No...that was an understatement. The chills, the shivers which were on his spine, the ocean winds whispering down his neck, his dry mouth...what would be a more accurate description would be 'fear'. He was scared...terrified...fearful of how things had turned out.

On his mighty throne in from which he ruled a sixth of the world, he saw his kingdom being desecrated to the ground. The massive biological warships in which he raised to cross over the Red Line itself...pierced to death by spears of lightning and death.

The castle walls torn down by nothing but hands. Creatures of flesh and blood with not a single bit of genetic augmentation breaking down his kingdom to dust broken stone. Everything he was given, handed down, from 300 years of Royal blood...tumbled away like stone.

The endless soldiers of the Germa Kingdom in which once fought ferociously now seemed dwindling in number as the endless horde of the New World poured into his mobile Kingdom continuously.

He looked down slightly to see the massive tip of the spear on his neck, digging in slightly. Ignoring the augmentations he had made on himself, the spear in its slight movement began to draw blood. Grimacing slightly, he ignored the sting as he looked up to see the ruler of the New World.

"This may be too late but as one sovereign to another..." He drawled out, his voice on the verge of tears. "Do you mind if I take that offer now?"

2 years ago

The Germa Kingdom, often called the Kingdom of Science, is a rather sad excuse of a Kingdom. As powerful it may as be militaristically speaking, it has little else to offer than their science and power. No permanent land to call their own and a small population less than a hundred of citizens mostly composed of the bare necessities to run the Kingdom with jobs unable to be done by clones.

The Seafaring Kingdom, as little as it is now, was once a global superpower. 300 years ago the Vinsmoke King and his family had begun their crusade against the Kingdoms of North Blue...and for a glorious 66 days they had the entirety of the Blue under their rule.

With the simultaneous rebellion of the various regions as well as the support of the 'World Government' supporting these new rebellions, the Germa lost their grip over the Blue little by little the very end...they were exiled from even their own homeland. But that was not the end of the exiled he dreamed big.

With only twelve wooden sloops, a hundred knights, and his flag to his name he set off to reclaim what was rightfully his. The Vinsmoke king handed down his duty, destiny, to his firstborn son and through the line the Seafaring Kingdom was born. The sloops were turned into galleons, the number grew, and even exiled from any land of soil...they grew stronger.

Father to son, the dynasty continued until the destiny of the Germa was passed down to a young Vinsmoke Judge. The prodigy of the Kingdom, the destined one, chosen one...and more. It was through the child's genius that the Vinsmokes dared to dream once more. To bring about an age when the exiled King returns to the North with vengeance.

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