Bitch Please, this is Charlotte Business

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Chapter 18

I stuck right behind Whitebeard and got the Den den Mushi fixed on my shoulders. There was a very high possibility that the snail would get in some crossfire and die but if it does succeed, then that was a card that I would be able to use in the far future.

Me: Whitebeard, you do realize they are trying to trap you in the bay area and kill you together right? Why else would have Aokiji given you pirates such a generous foothold?

Whitebeard: humph, good point. Now stay silent while I deal with that giant.

As soon as he said that, John Giant came crashing down on Whitebeard in an attempt to kill the man while he was slightly distracted. Whitebeard being Whitebeard, it naturally failed.

Newgate: You seem to be getting in the way...HEAVEN TO EARTH!!!

As the Strongest Man in the World grabbed the very fabric of the world by the air, I jumped into the air knowing what would happen. The very next second, seemingly the entire world tilted as it was forced onto its side by Whitebeard.

As John Giant and countless others lost their balance, I used Geppo to move right behind John Giant and grabbed his Justice Jacket just in time for Whitebeard to Devil Fruit punch the man right in the stomach.

I felt the life behind me flick off as the vibrations destroyed the Giant's insides and rupture them apart. That was what killed him but that wasn't the goal of Whitebeard's attack. He sent John (and me with it) straight forward like a cannon. Headed straight for the scaffold where Ace was chained.

It was a crazy fast speed...even for me, but I managed to hide my senses just in time as I didn't want any of the Admirals to sense me hidden under the jacket of the dead giant. I sensed right outside the think layer of cloth as 3 monsters of this world gathered their armament haki...

Thankfully, it wasn't the advanced form and nor were they expecting any form of surprise. Right before contact, I ripped through the clothing of the giant, whipped out my blade, used soru...

*slice* *drip* *drip*

Me: Che...I was aiming for your neck.

On the ground was a still twitching severed right arm of skillful stroke of advanced armament haki clad Cleaver had done it;s job on an unsuspecting Admiral.

Me: I thought I'd be able to kill you but I guess admirals are've got a good reflex.

Sakazuki was grimacing in pain as he realized he no longer had a limb that connected to his right shoulder, but somehow instead of dropping down and screaming like I would expect anyone to, he looked absolutely disgusted and angered. Pained...yes, but probably the pure shock of what had happened must be what kept him from screaming out loud.

I didn't lose this opportunity though. Sakazuki was a hard man to break down, his hate for Pirates was as far as it went so there was no loss in destroying his pride and honor at this point in the game.

Before he can recover or the other Admirals to step out of their dumbfound expression, I took out a sharpened pole and shoved it right up his severed shoulder. It didn't go in properly since he tried to twist out of the way.

Me: Skewer

The devil fruit activated as the action registered and the pole went straight up and anchored itself into Sakazuki's bleeding stump. The pain that shocked through his body slowed him down a bit which was what allowed me to do it. Possibly the greatest humiliation the guy has ever had to face.

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