Dressrosa Madness Part 2

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Dressrosa Extra Chapter 2

This is why I hate morally correct world powers. Fucking Fujitora...I mean, what the fuck? When one loses their entire arm from shoulder down, the correct response should be screaming in pain and losing focus on what they are doing which gives me enough time to chop off their head or something more effective.

Instead what Fujitora did was something akin to an Anime protagonist powerup. Seriously, the admiral's already enough of a powerhouse. I don't think he needs to get any stronger from here. And besides, what was that last attack anyway?

Adopting a view from water, seastone, and Blackbeard's Yami Yami No Mi, I trained on weakening others and their powers in the range of my Kitchen (or Cube). Obviously the better or stronger the user is with their power it will be harder to cancel out or be unable to remove altogether...still...gravity was something directly under my control so how was Fujitora able to do that?

I didn't really get the opportunity to continue my train of thought as my time flying came to an end.


I didn't bother to stop the momentum of the flight as it didn't really hurt anyway. Not with my logia form of snow. Getting splatted for a moment before reforming back to my original form, I looked around.

Me: How ironic...

Fujitora's little push sent my spiraling directly into the arena. From the looks of it, I was just in time for Block B's battle. The one with Barto Club's leader (with the Bari-Bari no mi), the strange boxer king (Elizabello...?) who had that absolutely ridiculous King Punch technique, as well as a couple other slightly (but no quite) notable figures.

Announcer: Huh? Folks, looks like we have a new challenger in the arena! I can't believe it! It's none other than the Big Mo—*splat*

Me: Shut up

Maybe killing the announcer wasn't the best course of action but his voice was annoying. Did they even have an announcer in canon? There was someone who introduced the competitors for sure though.

Well, regarding who I am...the cat's out of the bag already. Might as well go full Syrup then.

Me: Blizzard.

From the center of my palm a small condensed white ball appeared. For a split second it simply floated up catching the eyes of many...before the island turned into a winter wonderland.

The arena, being the center of the icy explosion, could be said to have frozen in entirety. Half of the audience members were either frozen solid or in a similar state needing immediate medical attention. I'm sure the Marines under Fujitora will handle them just fine though; besides, this just would be one more thing that would take their priority off of me. What was it that he said again? That the priority should not be the enemy but knowing who to protect?

As the snow spread to the different parts of the island, I let my senses explore everything I could. I could feel the massive spikes of power and haki from the fight between Sabo and Fujitora. Seems like they were still locked in a fight...though I could tell both of them were trying not to get the civilians involved, especially the admiral.

All over the island I felt the presence of very....unique? Weird? Devil fruit users. Some more familiar than others like the flag man Diamanté's who just so happened to be rushing to my position right now.

Diamante: Little girl...! This time I'll kill you! Here, in my arena!

Me: So you're the champion of the arena. Or what did they call you again? Hero of the Colosseum?

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