Chug those balls

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Chapter 21

Ace had fallen asleep so unfortunately I didn't get to say goodbye to him or anything. Especially with Marco having to stick by his side and nurse him back to health. I just gave him a hug and hoped that in his dreams he would feel the warmth I tried to convey. I was genuinely glad that he made it efforts completely really.

Luffy apparently had faced the consequences of using the hormones like that and collapsed right before Jimbei carried the guy out. He made it out the usual way with Trafalgar Law's group and his submarine. With not as much interruption from Kizaru this time as he was busy facing the main force of the WhitebeardPirates...who still had Whitebeard standing strong. This time not in an area where his power was limited.

The war was pretty much concluded by the time Shanks had gotten there but the forces of a 3rd emperor along with Shanks himself was enough to convince the Marines to throw down their weapons and end the war.

With the den den mushi on my shoulder having recorded everything, I was planning on purposefully leaking this to a journalist or reporter to lower to morale and Justice spirit of the Marines. While the age of Pirates flourished, the World Draft that was expected to happen would certainly be a problem with Fujitora and that other unknown admiral. After having faced an admiral head on, I was not excited to face another one.

The Old man (Whitebeard) was surprisingly lenient with handing over the protection and rights of the Fishman Island to the Big Mom Pirates. Of course, the treaty between us (why would pirates sign treaties?) stated that the Big Mom Pirates would not take away the independence nor attack the Fishman without reason else the Whitebeard Pirates will retaliate, blah blah blah.

Mama would not be so dumb with her new candy factory. She had no reason to burn such a profitable and sweet producing island into the ocean; instead she would probably just monster it very carefully so that all shipments arrive on time. Whitebeard, knowing this about Mama was ok with the fact.

Jimbei probably wouldn't be too happy about it but knowing the Whaleshark, he would understand the reasoning and that it was the price for saving Ace. In addition, with the renewal of the Golden Age of Piracy, more people would find their way down to Fishman Island and contribute to the economy. So in the end, it was going to be alright.

Once again, I refused his offer to be his daughter. I was very I was before...but now was not the time. I failed to fight on equal ground with an Admiral, and I needed the help of the family I hated to be able to save Ace. In other words, I needed to stay at WholeCake Island for a bit longer to grow in power, train, and in all honesty, I was interested in the WholeCake arc as well.

I wanted to watch it fold out in front of my eyes. I see the Mama I hate so much feel the pain and loss as her reputation is tainted by the mere rookie pirate. Perhaps...just maybe I would have changed enough to gather the courage to help the rubber boy.


I met up with my family (or most of my family) in Fishman Island. I cringed inwardly as Mama stated she was proud of my plan and work in getting her the one and only passageway into the New World for Pirates. Truthfully, it would be hard to keep an eye on this island at all times as it was quite the distance from WholeCake Island, but the flag of the Big Mom Pirates would scare away most Pirates from doing anything stupid.

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