Whole Cake Gluttony

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Chapter 27

POV Sanji

Sometimes I wonder if I really am trash. I left behind my friends...my crew...to marry this girl for a family I no longer cared about. In all honesty I could have faced off Judge myself and made sure to cut myself off from Germa once again and make sure of it this time but they had to have old man Zeff as a hostage. If there were 2 things the old man raised me to be...it was never striking a woman and never betraying family. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't find it in myself to turn my back on the old man and spit on the wedding like I should have.

Now here I am, in my room, waiting for the Wedding date to come for who knows what. In another guilty part of me, I truly like Pudding. Charlotte Pudding, my bride and wife to be, and daughter of none other than Big Mom also happens to be my dream girl. She is beautiful, young, uhhh...and she doesn't hit me like Nami always does (although she is just as charismatic in a different way). Most of all, it seems like she appreciates my passion as both a pirate and a cook. But it is also because that I did nothing to deserve her that I feel like trash for leaving behind my crew.

My declaration to Luffy and his declaration to me when I kicked the crap out of him...I knew he wasn't the type to go back on his word. I tried to convince myself that he'll find a new cook for his crew and continue on without me but...deep inside I knew him better than anyone. He would really still be there, fighting right in front of the Chateau to exhaustion without eating anything until I made him something.

Lying back on the bed prepared for me, I came to a decision.

I would follow. Follow whatever comes to happen. If the Wedding is uninterrupted and happens then I will do my part as the Fiance and Prince of Germa. If things happen before or after to get me out...I will follow them out.


I don't understand how Bepo even got himself kidnapped by the Big Mom Pirates. All I knew was that Bepo was called back to the Minks' Tribe on an emergency and headed back to Zou before any of us. By the time the rest of my crew arrived on Zou and soon myself (after the incident with Doflamingo), I was informed that Bepo had been kidnapped by the Big Mom Pirates.

As soon as that chaos silenced down, I decided to stick with the Straw Hat crew to save him. As this is a rescue mission for both of our crews, I decided to send my crew along the Submarine to Wano...only taking Penguin with me.

Arriving in all madness Straw-Hat style I immediately separated myself from their crew in order to avoid the rest of the mess. I had come to learn that sticking with the rubber idiot would involve facing off against the worst scenarios and many many near death experiences.

In my opinion, having an enemy of a Warlord (Doflamingo) was already bad enough; I didn't need an Emperor of the Sea aiming to separate my head from my neck. I was proven correct almost immediately when the Straw Hats (curse them) alerted themselves of their location and began fighting something somewhere. Who or where I do not know but all I knew was that they managed to alert Big Mom and her children. They would be searching throughout the entirety of the island now.

Penguin and I moved silently through the woods carefully avoiding the strange biscuit and chess soldiers that seemed to be patrolling everywhere. From far far away I heard the sounds of explosions and rain - probably Straw Hat bringing all the attention to himself with his stupidity - but I ignored it and continued on. If he is anywhere as strong or lucky as he always was...I was sure he'll make it out in one piece. He always seemed to find a way after all.

Penguin: Ummm...captain. Are you sure this is the right way? I think we're seeing the same trees over and over again.

Me: That, Penguin, is because we are seeing the same trees over and over again. But no need to worry because we are getting closer to where we want to be.

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