Whole Cake Voracity

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Chapter 28


It was impossible to fight them all. It was simply impossible. The Big Mom Pirates truly earned their title as an Emperor crew as they were not only fast, strong, but also employed brutally efficient tactics.

Within moments the trees came alive and opened a meadow in our position which immediately revealed me and Penguin's location. To make matters even worse, the trees began yelling out our position at the top of their lungs (do trees have lungs?) only to be followed by the sound of rushing feet.

So through the Seducing Woods Penguin and I ran. We ran for what seemed like miles on end but my inner senses told me that we have been running in circles. Most likely as I saw the blade-marked trees over and over again from my fight with Oven. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse...

?: Heart Pirates I assume? You must be the Supernova Water Law. As for your crew member...hmmm...I'm sorry but it rings no bells for me. Oh wait, never mind. Didn't we meet for a brief moment in Dressrosa?

A small girl in a similar manner of clothing to me came out...with little differences. She was wearing a white cat eared hoodie with black tights. She had her sleeves drawn halfway up to her elbow. She had a short blade strapped to her back...probably less than a third of the length of my nodachi.

Other than her clothing, I had to agree she was incredibly cute. She had the image of a princess rather than a pirate; but as experienced, looks can be very deceiving. Besides, we were on Big Mom's land. Anything could happen. Why did she look so familiar though? Did we meet? Was she a high ranking officer that I have seen somewhere in the Newspapers? What did she mean Dressrosa?

*shock* The memories came rushing back. I had been too preoccupied with Doflamingo to recall the scary girl. The scary girl who fought against Fujitora before pushing him into a corner by entirely destroying that Meteorite...before dropping her own. I remember both myself and Doflamingo fucking right off once she gave us the chance too. How could I not remember?

Penguin: It's Penguin My Lady!!

Syrup: Oh, I see. Unpleasnt to meet you. My name is Syrup, Charlotte Syrup.

Charlotte Syrup...Charlotte Syrup?!!

My brain ran into overdrive as I immediately pulled up everything I knew about this girl. She was the Pirate's Hero of the Paramount War, the Hand of Fishman Island and notorious Pirate feared even in the New World. To top it off, she was contending for the position of the Strongest of the Big Mom Pirates except Big Mom herself.

All of this information together could really only yield one result.


I turned my (nonexistent) tail and ran for all I was worth signaling Penguin to do the same. He got the message...only that it was too late. Just as I managed to enter the treelike once again, I heard a scream behind me.

It was a hard decision but I risked a look back to find possibly the most horrific and hilarious scene I had ever seen. First was Penguin with his face bloody and knocked out cold...stuffed inside of a snowman which ironically was shaped like a real penguin.

Syrup: I would catch you here as well but from what I know, you'll come for your Polar Bear and this...umm...what was his name again? Anyway, I know you're not the type to abandon your crew mates. Besides, chances are low that you'll even be able to escape this woods anyway. Betting that one of my brothers or sisters catch you somehow.

I hated myself for agreeing with her but she was right. I would never leave Bepo or Penguin. She already knew I would try and save them...that was why she didn't bother walking that extra 50 meters to come and get me. What was with these super strong people being so lazy? How did they even get to where they were if they were too bothered to even do anything? Leaving that wondering question for later and swearing to rescue them both, I ran.

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