Whole Cake? Nah, Cheesecake Please

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Chapter 30

POV Pudding

I couldn't remember what had exactly happened last night after crying myself to sleep. Waking up, it was already time for the Wedding.

I remember following Mama's orders and receiving my Anti-Germa Armor Pistol as well as the lines to read. I knew my role in the wedding, it was quite simple after all.

Linlin: Shoot Vinsmoke Sanji and let the cake be bathed in the blood of the Germa.

But putting that into action...it was hard. For too long I searched for love and affection. Sure I had my loving twin sister Syrup but she just didn't seem to understand. She cares for me, she loves me, she treats me as an equal but I know myself that I am no equal to her...always standing in her shadows and achievements.

I am no beauty like she is with my hideous third eye on my forehead. A monster...that was who I was to anyone outside the family. I was not strong like Syrup is; I couldn't fight against Admirals or even most Marines above the rank of Captain in the New World. I was not a Sweet Commander or held great importance in the crew. Perhaps that was why Mama chose me this time for her expansion game. Despite this, I couldn't help but love my sister.

Sanji...Sanji...Strawhat Sanji. Blackleg Sanji. Sanji the cook. Vinsmoke Sanji of the Germa. My husband to be Sanji...

Ever since I met him, I just couldn't let my mind wander anywhere else for long. It always returned to his loving smile, his caring words, and the sympathy he had for me...just like Syrup.

I couldn't imagine myself pulling the trigger into his face and killing him. I knew, instinctively, that something or someone inside of me would die with him if I do.

Syrup: It's called affection, or love.

Me: How would you know?

Syrup: Just call it a hunch Pudding

Me: *sassy* You're just as much as new to a relationship as I am!

She simply shrugged before pulling me into a hug. Being taller than her, I had to slightly hunch my back in order to tightly hug her back.

Syrup: I know you're worried about whatever you are going to do out there. Whether you choose to follow Mama's orders or go with your true feelings is completely up to you.

She hugged me even harder and my back started to hurt a little.

Syrup: But I want you to remember that no matter which decision you make, I will be supporting you. Even if you kill him, even if you remain a puppet, even if you fire the gun at me...I will love you always sister.

It was something about those words that let loose all of my pent up feelings. All the years of acting, pretending, feigning to be content with what we had as Mama's children...to be nothing but tools in her eyes.

*sob* *sob* *hicc* *hic*

*pat* *pat*

Syrup: There there sis. Let it all out. We'll fix your makeup once you let it all out.

I...I think I know what to do now.

POV Syrup

The wedding was horrible as expected. My sister obviously holding her pistol behind her back in clear view...even for Sanji's. Was she trying to warn him of what was going to happen? Seeing into the future together with brother Katakuri, I had to let out a smile when I saw it happen.

Instead of collapsing onto the ground like she would have done before, once Sanji whispered his words I saw my precious sister drop her gun and full on jump into his open arms. It seems like the blond cook had found a way to knew beforehand even after the precautions I took to prevent any windows being open yesterday. I guess I can only blame fate for taking its course.

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