Dessert (END)

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Chapter 36

Waking up in the arms of someone you love is beautiful. Waking up younger, weaker, and powerless? Not so much.

Drifting from thought to though, I lost the concept of passing as time and time against I embraced the comforting darkness that enveloped me so warmly. It was simply to relaxing that I didn't want to know or care about the outside anymore.

I could tell that I was against something or someone who held me tightly to their chest. So strong, such a nice pillow as well. Unconsciously, I snuggled in deeper before my thoughts were lost to me once again.

The loud explosions and shouting constantly disturbed me and shook me from my state a couple times but they never held me for long. I heard the sounds of gunfire and cannons. The sound of the waves of the New World crashing and churning. The voices of those I thought I heard before...and finally it was quiet.

I slept until I could no more when I decided it was time to open my eyes. What I expected to see surely wasn't more darkness. Was it nighttime? I waited for my eyes to adjust (which is quite quick, even without observation) as I tried to look around for someone.

As I squirmed around, I hand tightened on my shoulder as I looked over to see my hero. A lot bigger than I remember him...?

Me: Ace~

My voice sounded off. A bit higher and squeakier, and like a kid. Taking that off my mind for the moment, I looked back at Ace who had his usual lazy grin and messy hair; however, instead of his usual lazy and half-closed eyes, it looked as if he was holding back tears.

Me: ...?

Ace: You're here. You're free

I dove into him deeper for a hug as he hugged back, my chin on his shoulder sighing in content at the moment. I wish I could've stayed like this a little longer but the curiosity was getting at me.

Me: Wait, so could you explain what happened to me?

Ace: I thought you would know.

I untangled myself from him as I looked at myself carefully. My hands were smaller, slightly softer. The same with my legs and feet.

Looking down at the rock below me, I crushed it to make a hole before filling it up with snow.

Me: Fire please

He responded as the snow melted and filling the little hole with the water's reflective surface. Thankfully, he got the message as he held the fire close by for light.

Looking back at me was a face I remembered 8 years ago. A much younger version of myself when I was still pudgy at the face and before I went off destroying kingdoms on my own.

Me: Whhaaa...??

Ace: See, I told you. I thought you would know.

My thoughts jumped to the time (clock) icon I had seen on the Slot Machine Reward when I was used the full potential of the Luck Luck Fruit. As if in confirmation, the fruit warmed itself within me without me calling upon it.

Ahh, I see

The last attack I had used was really ridiculous in power. So strong that I doubted for a second if even Mama could pull it off. Turns out it wasn't free after all.

I had gained a new ability by splitting off the Luck Luck fruit.

Sacrifice time for Power

I closed my fist as I tried to sense it within myself. Perhaps it was due to the massive use of it just day(s) prior, it was in plain sight. Touching it, I felt it draining me of my age.

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