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Chapter 35

For a moment, the world went slow as I saw a pure white beam of energy make its way towards me. I could see the air around it burst and form a hyperbola as the tip of the beam broke through the sound barrier. The beautiful burst of colors as the white tip split into rays and spectrum of all the colors known to man.

In pure habit I tried to displace myself and the attack even though I knew it was useless.


A very well made thin layer of haki was all it needed to prevent something or someone from being space-fucked inside my realm after all. Besides, these were my brothers and sisters, fucking Sweet Commanders, I was talking about. They knew my abilities better than anyone except myself.

As it got closer and closer so fast yet so slow, I knew this would be a crushing and crippling blow. Taking this would mean I would be out of the fight for good...just like the time against Whitebeard and the same with Fujitora.

Endure it

No, I can't. Not that! That's sis Smoothie's Full extract! That's her Ultimate!

Weather it

Are you serious? That??!

Is that all your freedom is worth? A blow to your chest?

A sliver of rage shimmered in me as I realized...yes...up until now that was what I thought would be the price of my freedom.

Face it. Suffer through it. Show them that you are unbreakable.

The tip of the beam connected with my haki covered chest. It was as if my defense was ignored as I felt the energy shred my will of armament as it began to burn through my skin itself. My snowy composition failing to regenerate faster than the ray burned through.

Remember why you are fighting.

It burned. It really really burned. I felt the searing pain as I screamed in defiance of the pain and heat going through me.

Don't let go! Freedom is within your grasp!

An eternity of being chained to the fire continued as the beam didn't let go. In truth, it would have only been a handful of seconds maximum...but my enhanced perception had made it feel so much longer.

With the heat gone, I felt the coolness of the air. The relief was only a moment before the nerves screamed in shock at the emptiness...the cold as the pain demanded its attention again.

It wasn't the pain but the strange feeling of something lacking that brought me to my knees as I held up on the ground for support as not to collapse completely.

Katakuri: It's over Syrup. Stop this now and let's get you healed up. Cracker, you go get some Seastone chains. own red blood came out of my mouth as they dripped on the purple checkered floor. Ironically, there was a mirror fragment on the ground, coloring its reflection red.

Inside, I saw myself looking back.

Man, I look like shit

My dirtied and bloodied light pink hair stuck to my forehead as the blood and sweat dried. I could see a bruises forming on my jaw where I got hit by brother Katakuri and a black eye coming soon.

Guess endurance isn't my forte

I was an absolute mess but for some reason, none of that mattered at the moment. It took one look at my eyes in myself and I knew I would be getting through this.

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