Alternate Ending

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AN: So here's an Alternate ending of what could have happened if Diana didn't yeet them across space time.

This ending is purely a One Piece ending...and fluff, romance, freedom...and LEMONS.

WARNING: Fluff overload, lovebirds + LEMONS LEMONS LEMONS

So yeah, remember how I said I can't write smut to save my life? Well...I've tried.

I hope you all enjoy this alternate ending. Of course, BNHA fanfic is still in construction and I'll let you know here when it's up.

Otherwise, I hope you treat this like a New Year gift from me. Happy New Year and let's wish this damn year over


Genre: Mature

Location: Moby Dick, 2nd Divison Commander's Private Quarters

I cuddled up to Ace with my back to him as he wrapped his arms around me, putting his head on my shoulder. I squirmed a bit to get in a bit more comfortable position before he picked me up and taking me to his bed and throwing me onto the sheets.

As he approached me, I saw that the look in his eyes changed. He was still the same but...his eyes looked more like a predator looking at prey. Eyes full of desire, love, but most prominent was lust

Me: Hey...Ace?

I didn't get a reply as he pushed my shoulders to prevent me from getting up.

A couple of days back...

After safety venturing out from the cave after encountering whoever that Supreme Being was, I could only express my relief when she decided to release us after isolating this world or something like that.

Perhaps it was how Ace stood up for me time and time again and finally in front of a literal all powerful god...but our relationship developed faster. It seems like my new ability also helped.

I found that my new ability worked both ways. I can either take away my age for power...or add age (temporarily) and be weak for the time being. Basically a disguise which weakens me.

Still, it was much better to walk around in my adult form as I like to say. Aging my body up to 18 years old and finally being able to reach Ace's neck again. yeah...looks like I was still short but at least I'm not a kid anymore.

I remember the first time I pulled this move on Ace as he came out of the shower.


Ace: Holy Shit! I'm so sorry!! Wait...Syrup?!

I didn't say anything as I rushed up to him (still steaming from the shower) before jumping on him into a crushing hug, legs around him and all.

He stood shocked for a bit before his hands reached up and hugged me back and holding me to him.

Perhaps it was the moment or the adrenaline but when I looked down to see his face...his freckled, smirking face with the hair still slightly wet...I knew what to do.

I close my eyes as I leaned down and the fireboy knew what to do as we shared our first kiss together.

It took a couple of days for the crew to get used to my presence as a couple of them thought I was a new nurse and tried to hit on me. Usually that ended up with a part of the ship on fire and a crew mate that needed fishing out of the sea.

Me: Isn't that too cruel? You could have just said that I'm your girlfriend

I leaned closer to Ace as he put his arm around me before pulling me in for a kiss on my head.

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