Whole Cake Polyphagia

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Chapter 29

Jimbei: Now now Syrup, I know you better than nearly anyone. Anyone else would think you are nothing more than a puppet but I know better. You don't have to do this. You're not a soldier for Big Mom. Besides, calling your friend a bug? That hurts my heart Syrup.

Me: I know. Perhaps soon I'll leave her shadow and be who I want to be...but not now. Now is the time for duty and country. Secondly, any who betrays the crew should be considered a bug. All are welcome...but none may leave. That is the reality of the crew you joined Jimbei. Hold up your part of the bargain.

I drew my Tachi (60cm) from my back as I faced him. The air growing visibly colder as the tension in the room began to strain.

Me: Surrendering is an option Jimbei. You and I go quite far back you know? I'm willing to turn a blind eye to this. Besides, you can always free them after the Wedding.

Jimbei: I wouldn't say two years is a long time and you know I wouldn't surrender. Syrup, would you really not let this go? I know you care for the boy, even if not directly but through someone else-

His posture changed as his right foot stepped back, getting into a more defensive posture. He knew I was a more offense oriented fighter...probably hoping to find blindspots in my attacks. Really meaningless but this way he'll last longer. Shame, I really didn't want to hurt him. Nicest and most honorable fisherman I've ever met...and also a future Straw Hat member.

Me: I needed a stretch anyway. Maybe putting you in a cell for a couple of years will bring you back to your senses. You know Mama really loves Fishman, don't you? The Sun Pirates' being under her is one of her biggest accomplishments.

Jimbei: I do, and it is honestly an insult to us. The reason the Sun Pirates have been subservient to the Big Mom crew was for Fishman Island's protection. A curse in which you indirectly lead to us...I never blamed you but what your words said was put into action. We were never given a choice.

The honorable whale shark looked at Luffy, this time in a different light than before.

Jimbei: We no longer need a protector nor an Emperor. Through Luffy's adventure in our home, we came to the decision that Fishman Island stands united. United with each other as well as the world.

He casually mentioned the plans they had for making contact with the World Government. Hmmm...not so good at keeping secrets are you Jimbei?

Jimbei: We no longer require the services your crew has been providing us with these last two years. I graciously thank all you have sacrificed and done but now...I wish to join the Straw Hats!

Shame, really. I was able to change so much of Canon but it seems like the loveable and bouncy Fishman would be sticking with the idiot after all. Truthfully said I wanted him to join me or at least Whitebeard so when the time comes, we could be together again. While I'll never admit it, I did enjoy his company whenever I went down for a trip in Fishman Island as he was one of the only people who didn't treat me differently due to my status as a daughter of Big Mom or my strength.

He rushed me as I casually deflected his strikes with my own. Once again, I mimicked his movements, strike for strike. We were even in fight...the only difference being he was trying to push me back whereas I was simply toying with him for now.

Jimbei: 6000 POUND TILE STR—

I switched up my style the moment he pulled out a mediocre trump card as I grabbed his robes and pulled him down. As he began to lose his balance, I brought up my right knee as hard as I can directly into his face.

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