When the gate opens

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Chapter 3.

Whole Cake Island, Totta Land

Tea Party. A word synonymous with gatherings, small celebrations, and garden parties. A short time where people together celebrated, discussed, and enjoyed themselves surrounded by company they loved and food they liked.

In most parts of the world, this definition held true...but not in the New World and especially not by the name of Charlotte Linlin. The Tea Parties of the Charlotte Family was dangerous in the least and gruesome at best...it was usually so so much worse.

In another world, Tea Parties of 'Big Mom' would be hosted for her own enjoyment and celebrations. It would match the word and guests would be provided with the greatest foods from all the blues and the Grandline...if one could forget the lingering taste of blood on the ingredients used to make the dishes.

Such was not the Tea Party in the world for 'Charlotte Linlin' who now lead the Union Pirates. It was not the tea party from hell with ingredients of blood...but rather it was a conference of sorts. A conference which would often be followed by rivers of blood and deaths but a peaceful conference (during the duration) nonetheless.

During Linlin's reign over a large portion of the New World for decades, countless small independent island-states have come and gone. Most of them swearing loyalty or neutrality in all conflicts and events. Except...some simply did not understand the message of who ruled the waters.

"Representatives of the Principality of Seazone." Perospero, the oldest child of Linlin addressed the gathered members. "You are under charges of turning your back on the alliance. Selling out alliance member's locations and information to the Marines as well as deliberately blocking your waters to allow passage of the Honor Guard fleet. How do you plead?"

On the top of the Whole Cake Chateau, the debate raged onwards as the representatives from Seazone exhausted every trick in the book to declare themselves innocent, shift the blame, or ignore the issue completely. It seemed as if the long tea part was finally coming to an end.

Only total surrender would be accepted...and the Seazone representatives knew that. They knew that well.

A short old man with a long gray beard which reached his toes stood up from his seat. He took his walking cane in hand before pointing it directly at Perospero.

"Fuck you!" He croaked. "Fuck you and your pirate ways! The Marines will save us from your tyranny!"

"Yeeahhhh!!!" "That's right!" "Yes Minister!" The cheers came from the representatives of the Principality of Seazone.

"The Marines will protect us! You're rule over the New World is over!" The old minister continued.

Perhaps it was in their unified shouting that they, for a single moment, believed in the delusions that the Marines would be able to exercise their powers here. Here...of all places. The same waters in which they were repelled time and time again, broken, beaten, and battered.

So it was no surprise that the gathered representatives of the Totta Land and the Union Pirates showed expressions of anything but fear or desperation. In fact, most of the faces shown were boredom...amusement at best.

"*sigh* War it is then." Perospero sighed as he passed a note to Mont' Dor. Mont' Dor, having ate the Book Book fruit, immediately recorded down the transgressions and the results of the 'Tea Party' before closing the book. "There's no need for an admiral. I believe a Clone Commander and his division would suffice. If they fail...we'll call in the 'Captain'."

As Perospero finished looking through the pages to find the right person to address this new problem to, he stood up to conclude this long, torturous, peace session which had reaped nothing but foolishness.

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