The World can be more

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Chapter 32


To be honest, this was a familiar feeling. Not a good one...but one that I was all too familiar with. The first time I met Doflamingo, I knew that he was unbelievably powerful. So powerful that during my years working under him, I couldn't even imagine myself in comparison to the level of strength he commanded.

An insurmountable wall.

Over the years and starting once again in North Blue, I had managed to overcome that wall. Brick by brick I had removed where it was necessary and step by step achieving power closer to Doflamingo's level. When I had finally crossed blades with Doflamingo again after all those years...he was still stronger, knowledgeable, and cunning, but he was no longer an impossible opponent. I was at a height in which I could see the top.

However, before I could even finish my fight with Doflamingo, I witnessed another league in which once again, I was that child . It was only a moment but a moment was all I needed to realize that I was outclassed in the duel between the Navy Admiral Fujitora and the mysterious Big Mom Pirate.

Barely a month later, here stood that wall once again. Rebuilt in all it's glory...brick walls showing no sign of weathering or age. Solid. Once again taking away my hopes of victory against this person.

Syrup: Your next words are going to be 'I won't die here like this!'. Shame...there are so many better last words.

I grit my teeth as everything she said cut through my will to fight like a hot knife through butter. She already knew, she saw everything. Was there even a reason for fighting if the outcome was already decided?

Standing there with my nodachi no longer in my hands, I felt vulnerable...weak, empty. Standing in her presence was like being in a steam bath. Not entirely affected but the water vapors sapping at my strength.

Despite this, I knew why I was here. I discarded and scoffed at the growing doubt before calling up my reason for why I was even stuck in this very position.

Bepo, nakama. I had sacrificed my safety so that they would be able t escape safety. Sure, this was a sacrifice but I had no intention whatsoever to never see them again.

Renewed will gave me strength. Determination filled my limbs with adrenaline and power once again. I might not be as strong or experienced without my blade but a true pirate stands true and strong wherever or whatever situation he is in.

Me: I won't die here like this!!!

With that, I took a crouched stance like the one I had once learned from Doflamingo before activating my Devil Fruit.

I still have my Devil Fruit...if I could just cut her up without her noticing, then it's my win. Sweet Commander or not!

POV Syrup

Law: ROOM!

Me: *Cube*

The activation of two space-warping and reality-defying Devil Fruits bent the concept of space as the entire Mirror Dimension seemed to cave into itself as the two Devil Fruit powers fought for dominance.

The Doctor's Room was smoother, able to make preciser and smaller and finer moves. Mine? The chef's domain, the Kitchen. Mine has both the elegance and power...sure, it was rougher but it was also bigger and powerful.

Comparing the clashing spaces I could see that it was to his fine control, I was brute strength. In the contest of dominance, his gave way as the Room crumpled away as my cube withered away his influence over the space.

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