The War Begins

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Chapter 17

In my hotel room, I heard the yells and screams as chaos took hold of the Archipelago with news of Straw Hat Luffy punching a World Noble came out. In all honesty, I was tempted to join the chaos and see the infamous Straw hat captain for myself but I knew that doing so, I would be detected by the Pacisfas as well as Admiral Kizaru. I didn't want to attract unnecessary trouble especially with the war so close. I would need everything I have to save Ace during the Marineford war.

A couple hours later, I heard the loud crash as a grove crashed into the ground, the sound of burning and the screams of people. Kizaru had arrived. I had already done my research beforehand and both docked my ship as well as my stay far from where the conflict would be ensuing, but as expected, the sheer scale of the chaos was too big for a single island to keep silent.

Watching the news on the screen (a den den mushi) provided by the place, it was honestly pretty entertaining. Much better than the anime if I can say, as expected, live action is the best (no, I do not mean that netflix adaptation crap).

In a deep part of me, I felt a little bit of sympathy for Luffy who must be devastated right now assuming that they were completely and utterly defeated by Kuma, but I've got things do as well. Once news came around that the Marine Fleet left with Kizaru, I came back out in search for Rayleigh. He was right where I expected him to be; He was at Shakky's rip off bar...again.

Me: Hey there old man. Sorry for your losses, except it really isn't. You'll see him again soon, won't you?

Rayleigh: So you know too huh? Tell me, what are you? A prophet? An oracle? I've seen all types of people in the grand line but those with your observation are rare...very rare.

Me: I have the blood of the three eyed tribe in me. I may not have my third eye but I have the potential to awaken The Voice of All Things. I believe you know what that is? I think the Pirate King himself has reached it...all without the help of any bloodline.

Rayleigh: Impressive...even with the help of inheritance, awakening haki to begin with is no easy feat, and to progress it close to awakening that final step. You have already accomplished so much. Oh, and I've already finished coating your ship by the way. Thank you for letting me borrow your Vivre Card, those little soul things didn't bother me once they knew I had it.

With that, he handed me back the fake receipt in which held a small part of Mama's soul.

Me: I should be the one thanking you. Things can possibly go my way now. Change things from certain doom if you will. Honestly, it was nice meeting you Dark King. If I meet you again, I'll buy you a drink...though please don't order anything too expensive from here. The stuff here is already too expensive as it is.

Rayeligh: huh, good luck saving that young captain's son.

Me: ?!

So he knew as well...then why didn't he come to help? I would imagine someone like him would do anything to keep the memory of his best friend and captain alive but he didn't. Well, who was I to judge? He was old...already over the loss and no longer grieving. Perhaps he just no longer wanted to have a hand on things like this anymore.

Giving him a 'goodbye' once again, I left the bar, probably for the last time. I had no idea if I would see or Shakky again...probably not. Instead, I went to the market district and bought one of the high functioning Den-Den Mushi, the ones used for broadcasting. If Sengoku was going to try and hide something, I might as well plant one of these to cause as much of a distraction as possible.

After reviewing myself on the broadcast function of the den den mushi, I started to head back to my ship. Only to be interrupted by those Space suit wearing fools.

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