Charlotte Syrup

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Chapter 2

Born as the daughter of a Yonko can vary depending on who. In my didn't work out so well. Of course, I prefer it to being born under Blackbeard or Kaido but Big Mom has almost killed/sold/betrayed her own children countless times.

She thought of her own children like tools; nothing more nothing less. Some of her tools were simply better and talented than others, like the Sweet Commanders while others, like Lola, were only worth marrying off for a political marriage.

Of course, being the biological mother still meant something to all the children of Big Mom. After all, it's hard to disregard the very blood flowing through your veins...yet just as all the children had varying degrees of respect for Big Mom, they also feared her wrath. Her wrath and power was what kept the family together, under any circumstance.

Then comes me, an exception. From the moment I saw Big Mom, I smiled in my toddler form. Of course, her form was intimidating but I had two layers of protection which kept me from cowering in fear. First was my calm mind which I had received from ??. The ability to keep my calm no matter what, and if fear was something that hindered my decision, I could simply choose not to feel it.

Second, I knew the nature of her power. Big Mom might be a god in terms of raw power and strength but her mind was more of a baby than me. Her food tantrums show her childish thought process and the entirety of all of Big Mom's territory just shows a messed up version of Alice in Wonderland, not to mention how she names everything and gives it some sort of food theme.

Mother, who saw my smile, seemed quite pleased with herself as she lifted me out of my crib and held me over her head, examining me.

LinLin: Mamama, quite an interesting one, ehh?

It was just my luck...or perhaps a playful whim of that ?? that I was born under Big Mom. Still, I thought about the things that could have made it much worse.

Born as a commoner in a weak sea (East Blue) or perhaps under the Celestial Dragons as a Slave...things could have been much worse. Yes, living under Big Mom would also count as a Nightmare as failure to complete her orders will result in her wrath...but at least I'll become strong.

Under the rule of a Yonko, I'll be able to receive all the help I'll need to become a dominant figure in this world. Heck, I'll even be able to meet Katakuri who will literally be my biological brother now.

As the days went by and I didn't see Big Mom again, inwardly I was quite relieved. In this Totta Land, the best way to grow would be to try and avoid Big Mom as much as possible. Away from the cause of trouble.

Of course...if it was only that easy.

The first few months of my life, nobody demanded anything from me and that was the way I liked it. I often stayed with my twin sis Pudding, who because of her appearance was often shunned even in the family. Of course, not by me though; I made sure she felt loved even with that third eye.

I tried to hobble around the family palace in search of some older brothers and sisters but I was usually always caught and brought right back to my crib and forced to hug Pudding until I fell asleep

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