Chapter 17

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Rachael's POV

I decided to stay with Gemma tonight. I told her about being taken in for questioning and she told me not to worry.

The next morning me and Gemma drove to TM to get some work done in the office before the guys got home.

The guys pulled into the lot around 4 pm that day. I wanted to avoid them so they didn't see the bruise that formed from mark ( A/N the cop that hates her in case anyone forgot.). But I knew If I did that they would suspect something.

"Hey baby." Jax said as her wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. Sadly I flinch because it was my bad cheek and he noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Nothing." I said not looking at him.
"Look at me."
I sighed and turned to face him.
"Who the hell did that!?!" He asked angry.
"Nobody it doesn't matter." I said.
"Doesn't matter! Of course it matters! Nobody should ever lay a hand in you!"
His yelling attracted the attention of some other SAMCRO members.
"Who laid a hand on who." chibs asked.
"Someone hit Rachael. "
My dad spit out the beer he was drinking and chibs got a very angry.
"Who hit you? " My dad asked in a dead serious voice, " and do not say nobody. "
I sighed knowing I had to tell them now.
"Mark." I whispered.
"That aśšhole cop"
"Yeah " I mumbled.

Before I could even look up all three of them were on their bikes riding out of the lot.

This will not be good.


Authors note: what will happen??

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