Chapter 4

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Rachael's POV

The gun barrel was cold a against my temple, and I was frozen in place.
I couldn't tell if I was breathing or not.

" Let her go." jax said in a stone cold voice lifting his own gun to the man behind me.
" No I don't think I will, i quite like the look of this one, never seen one so pretty." his breath made me cringe, it smelt horrible.
" You let her go or there's gonna be a bullet in your head!" Jax yelled.
" You really want to risk her" the man said.

I watched jax lower his gun. it was comforting to know he cared enough about me not to risk shooting me.

" All right let her go and tell me what you want."
" I want alverez dead" the man said
"Done, now give her to me." jax demanded.
" Nope I'm gonna keep her till I know alverez is dead."
" Nope not gonna happen she leaves with me."
" She either leaves alive with me or dead with you."
" Jax just let him take me, you'll get me back." I told him.

I could tell jax didn't want to leave me with this man but he did.
As soon as jax was out of sight all I saw was black.


When I woke up I could hear people talking, one sounded like he was on the phone... It was the guy who took me.
When my senses came back i realized I was tied to a chair and had a killer head ache. That bítch knocked me out with his gun.

I wonder how long I have been out. Are dad and jax looking for me?

*Jax POV*

I didn't want to leave Rachael with Salazar who knew what he would do to her.
When I got back to the club house everyone was inside they could tell something was up when they saw my face.
" What's up Jackie boy" chibs asked.
" Rachael." I said
" What about my daughter!? What happened!?" Tig yelled. Shit this was gonna be bad.
" Salazar shot the place up and took her"
" I had no choice I couldn't risk the shot and he would have killed her!"
That seemed to make him understand.
" Well how do we get her back? " Piney asked.
" He wants alverez dead."

Soon we came up with a plan to fake the death of alverez, we were in good terms with the Mayans we didn't want to mess that up. He agreed to our plan and it was set in motion.

When we were done we called Salazar and told him.

" She's in a safe house just out side charming, shinning road."

Me, tig, clay, and happy set of to get her back. I swear if she was injured in they slightest way I was gonna kill Salazar.


Authors note: so new chapter thanks for the votes guys I appreciate it :)
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Thx :)

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