Chapter 34

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I felt disgusted I had to have sex with Ima so she would help the club. I didn't want to do it. The only person I wanted to be with was Rachael. But we needed Ima's help.

The I heard the door to my dorm slam. I tried to leave but Ima threatened to not help the club.

When I was done I ran out to the lobby.

"JACKSON TELLER!" I heard my mom yell. Shït what did I do know.

"Jax run, Rachael saw you and Ima an Gemma knows."
"Ah hell "

Before I could leave my mom came up and slapped me. And let me tell you her slaps hurt.

"Ma. "
"No Jax! You cheat on your girlfriend. Your pregnant girlfriend!!"


"Ma what are you talking about?"
"Rachael she is pregnant, she came here to tell you!!"
"Oh no, ma you don't understand, I only slept with her to help the club."
"W-" she started to say something but her phone went off.

She looked at it then rushed off to the garage for some reason.

Rachael's POV

I sat in the terminal waiting for my flight to be called and waiting for Gemma and my dad to show up.

"Rachael!" I heard my dad yell.

I stood up and ran into his arms and hugged him.

"Rachael what's going on?"
"I'm leaving dad "
"I can't stay here, dad I'm pregnant... It's Jax's. He cheated on me, I need some space. "
"Don't you think it's a bit rash."
" Maybe but it's what I need right now"
"Okay... If that's what you want. "
"It is. "
"Okay. " He said and hugged me again.

"So where are you gonna go?" Gemma asked.
"London "
"What!?" My dad yelled. " That's on a different continent! I'll never see you or my grandchild. "
"Don't worry dad, you can come visit me and I'll visit you"
"Fine" he said reluctantly.

"Flight 17 to London is now boarding. "

"Well that's me. " I said and hugged them both goodbye.
"I'll come back soon"

"Bye" they both said.

I looked back one more time before I got on the plane. Tears blurred my vision once I saw my dad about to cry. I waved and got on the plane.


Authors note: I almost cried writing that last little bit.
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