Chapter 26

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Rachael's POV

I saw jax standing in the font of the store. Great.

I quickly made my way to the back of the store and found an employe.

"Excuse me do you have a back exit?"i asked the lady.
"Yes, why? "
"Well I'm trying to avoid someone and the are in the front of the store. "
"Okay follow me. "
"Thank you so much. "

I followed her to the back and she let me out the back. I thanked her again and walked a few stores down then down an ally to the Main Street.

Your probably thinking why is she being so childish and avoiding him, why not get his side of the story? Well I'm not sure I want to know or if I'm ready to face the problem yet. But I will soon and on my terms.

When I made it to the Main Street I looked back at the store and saw 3 other bikes parked by Jax's. He must really want to find me. I feel kinda bad. But not bad enough to go back.

I walked the opposite way and made it back to my dads. I really need to find my own place.

Then there was a banging at the door.

"Rachael!! I know your in there open the damn door!!" Jax yelled.


"You can't escape the house is surrounded!!" He yelled and banged on the door again.

I looked out the back and saw chibs and happy. Happy would let me go but chibs wouldn't.

I ran to the side of the house and saw no one out there. I opened the window and pulled myself on to the roof.

I know I'm being childish but I can do what I want.

I heard the door bang open. And my dad yell about it. I really hope it he didn't give me away because he new I liked to come up here.

When jax came out he was talking with my dad and happy. I saw my dad look up and see me I gave a slight shake of me head and he looked away. Thank god he won't tell jax.

I caught the last part of the conversation and I heard Jax's voice crack like he was about to cry.

The made my chest hurt. I wanted to jump down and wrap my arms around him and say I'm sorry. But I restrained myself.

I finally got off the roof when the bikes pulled away.


Authors note: new chapter! I love all your support guys!! 😊❤️

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