Chapter 13

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Jax's POV

* ring * ring*

I was awoken by my prepaid ringing. Rachael stirred beside me but didn't wake up. I went out into the hall to answer the phone.

" What" I asked irritably. It's 6 am. Way too early to be awake.
"Get to the clubhouse." Tig's voice came threw the phone. He told me what was going in and I left after I got ready.

But Rachael stopped me before I could leave the room.
"Where you goin?" She asked still half asleep.
"Nothing it's just club business. Go back to sleep. "

She mumbled an ok and fell back asleep.

*rachaels POV, later that day*

When I woke up Jax was gone and I vaguely remember him telling me something about club business.

I got around and went to the clubhouse hopping Gemma would be there. She was and we hung out for a while.

I went back to Jax's around 7 pm and made some dinner. He still wasn't home and hadn't texted or called all day so I was kinda worried.

I fell asleep on the couch that night waiting for jax to come home. I know it sounds stupid and yeah it kinda is but he's been my best friend for years and know we are together.

When I woke up I had a sore neck. I got ready and went to TM. I saw the bikes there and went to find Gemma in the office.

" When did the guys get back?" I asked Gemma.
"Good morning to you too." She replied sarcastically.
"Good morning Gemma, are the guys back?"
"Yeah a few minutes ago, they are in chapel now. "
" Okay. "

*jax POV *

When we finished chapel we all exited the clubhouse. I saw Rachael and my mom sitting at the picnic table so I decided to sneak up on Rachael.

My mom saw me coming but I but my finger to my lips to signal to be quiet. Luckily she understood and listened.

I snuck up behind Rachael and grabbed her waist and lifted her off the bench. She screamed and I set her on her feet.

" Jax Teller!!" She yelled when she turned around. I smiled.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"Don't scare me like that!" She half yelled angrily.
"Okay I'm sorry." I said and kissed her cheek.
"You better be. " She laughed.

Later I took Rachael home on the bike and told her we could get her car tomorrow. We didn't do much except watch some tv.

I hadn't got much sleep last night without her. It's weird because we've only slept in the same bed a few times. Bit I knew I would sleep good tonight.

I wrapped my arms around Rachael and fell into a peaceful sleep.


Authors note: 600 reads!!! That's great!! Thx so much!!
I'm having a little trouble with coming up with some ideas, if you guys have any let me know!

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