Chapter 12

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Rachael's POV

I woke up sweaty and with arms around me. Then I remembered that I stayed with jax last night. I turned over and saw his peaceful face. I started to trace his jaw line and he started to stir.

"Hey what're you doin?" Jax asked with his raspy morning voice that I find so sexy.
"Nothing." I said as I stopped.
" We should get up before my dad come looking for us and starts another fight cuz we slept together." I said and jax smirked, then i realized what I said.
"Not like that you perv. " I said and hit his chest.

He laughed and got out of bed and I followed. I didn't have anything to change into so I wore my jeans again and stole one of Jax's shirts when he wasn't looking.

I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and saw Gemma was already away.

"Morning" I said to her.
"Morning." She said then gave me a knowing look when she saw I was wearing Jax's shirt.
"Fun night?" She asked.
"Gemma!" I semi yelled.
"What?!" She she said in an innocent voice.
"You can't just ask that and no we didn't we only slept. "

Everyone slowly woke up and got coffee. Gemma finally stopped pestering me about the shirt.

My dad left last night with a random croweater, which means I don't need to worry about my dad fighting jax again for a while.

Tomorrow should be the big family dinner at Clay and Gemma's and Gemma asked me to go shopping with her. I told her i would after I showered.

Jax took me back to his house so I could get ready.

I was in the shower when I heard the door open.

"Jax? " I asked timidly. I mean o don't think my one broke in but you never know.
"Yeah. " It was Jax.
"Why are you in the bathroom right now."
"I need to ask you something."
"And you couldn't wait till later."
"No because I would have lost my courage by then."
" Ok then what is it?"
"Rachael I have loved you for a very long time and when you left I was heartbroken and I buried those feelings and know that your back they resurfaced, I know it's kind of fast but Rachael will you be mine." Jax confessed.

I didn't know what to say. I have felt the same way about him. But he's a player I could be with him. Could I? Would he stop being a player? I guess I wouldn't know till I tried.

I peaked my head out side the curtain.
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yes" I smiled when he said that.
"Then yes, I will be yours but only if your mine too."
"Darlin I've always been yours."


Authors note; I'm almost to 500 reads. That's amazing guys thank you :)
So Rachael and jax are together!! Will it last? Comment what you think.

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