Chapter 7

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Rachael POV

Jax wheeled me out of the hospital Ina wheelchair against my wishes. He Told me we were gonna stop by the clubhouse for a few and let everybody know I was out of the hospital and to show my dad that I was actually ok because apparently he was still freaking out.

When we pulled up to the lot I saw everyone outside, I guess they were waiting, my dad was pacing.

" Tig! Stop your pacin' your kids here!" Chibs yelled at my dad, his eyes snapped up to see jax helping me out of the truck and he ran over.
" Are you ok baby?" He said, inspecting me to see for himself.
" Yeah daddy I'm fine just a little sore in the wound." I said reassuring him. relief washed over his face.
"Thank god"
" Dad the doctor did tell you I was gonna be ok."
" Yeah but they always say that." I laugh but cringe Cuz of the pain.
" So do you know that in staying at Jax's for a while?" I ask my dad.
"Yeah I know that he asked me to let you" I was surprised at that usually jax doesn't ask he tells.

After we had gone back to Jax's he ordered Chinese food because she can't cook for shít. We watched tv and he helped me get settled in his guest room. It was kinda shocking I thought he would have me sleep in his bed with him.

The next morning it was hard to get up so I asked jax to help me. he made me sit on the couch all day and it was horrible. who wants to be couch ridden all day. jax left to go to work hours ago and left me in the couch. I had been trying I get up for twenty minutes. I could almost reach my phone to call someone.

When I finally reached my phone I called half sac to come over here.
" I don't wanna get in trouble with the club for leaving."
"Well your coming to help me so they can deal with it."
"I'm not patched yet I don't wanna hurt my chance"
" Don't worry about it Clay and the club will understand, they have seen me angry and they don't like it."

After a while of arguing about it I won and half sac was on his way over.


Authors note: almost to 200 views guys!! That's awesome! Next chapter will be some half sac and Rachael bonding ( friendship ) and some jax

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