Chapter 24

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Jax's POV

I was in a holding cell with all the guys. They couldn't actually make any of the accusations stick so they just left us here. And we were getting restless.

I needed to get out of her and talk to Rachael. And before tig finds out and tries to kill me.

"Yo! When are we getting out of here!" Juice yelled.
"I'm trying to get you guys out." Unser says.
"Well try harder." Clay tells him.
"It's not easy Rachael and Gemma were also brought in a few hours ago and I'm -"
"Did you just say my mom and old lady were here" I cut Unser off.
"Yeah and I'm trying to see what's going on in there"
"Well get them out off here they don't need anymore if this shït right now. "
"I'm trying jax I really am."
"Try harder!" I glared at him.

I new it was my fault Rachael was here and I felt awful. She couldn't keep a job because of the club she was brought in every other week for questioning. Maybe I should let her go... No I can't do that I need her.

*hours later*

Unser had come back earlier and told us Rachael and Gemma were released. Which was a huge relief. They didn't need to be in here for no reason.

Rachael's POV.

As it turns out we shouldn't have even been in the police station to begin with. They had no right to take us in. All they did was question is on our relationships with they guys. Which they already new. It was just stupid.

They guys will be out tomorrow and u know jax is going to try and talk to me. But the thing is, I don't know if I want him I or not.


Authors note:

A Trager's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now