Chapter 10

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Rachael's POV

I walked up to my dad hoping his furious gaze was just and act. Sadly I was wrong.

" What were you thinking!" He yelled.
"I'm not in any pain and I was bored."
"I told you to stay at the picnic table!"
"I didn't want to stay there."
"In trying to keep you alive."
"Ok dad calm down I was shot in the side no big deal" that made him angrier.
"No big deal! No big deal! I could have lost you!"
"But you didn't."
"I can't deal with you right now." he said and stormed into the club house, I almost started crying, he's never done that to me before. We always finish our arguments and are fine.

I looked over at jax who was yelling at Gemma for being careless and taking me out. He, like my dad didn't have an argument.

When jax finally stormed inside I turned to Gemma and apologized.
"It's ok Hun, my son is just protective of those he loves. "
"Too bad he doesn't love me like I love him." I told her. Yeah Gemma knows that I love jax, she always has. She has like a sixth sense for that stuff.

"Believe me Rachael he does love you in that way. " I shook my head.
"Sure he does. " I replied sarcastically.
"He does just wait, he'll show it. "

I didn't believe her but I wanted to. Maybe he would show it tonight.
Maybe I will show him.

By 10pm the party was in full swing. Croweaters and sweet butts were trying to hook up with the guys. The fights were gonna start soon, I was gonna fight but Chibs won't let me due to me being shot. And everyone was drunk or almost drunk.

"Wanna dance darlin?" Jax slurred from behind me. And me being slightly drunk, agreed.

Eventually while we were dancing Jax had turned me around and placed his hands in my waist. I place my hands on his shoulders.

Jax looked down at me with a look of love and lust. We just looked into each other's eyes until we were kissing.

I didn't know how long we had been kissing but it was long enough for almost everyone to notice. They were whooping and whistling.

Sadly my dad chose to come inside while we were kissing. The look on his face said he was beyond angry. He pulled Jax off me and pushed him outside.

" Get in the ring Teller."


Authors note: tig and jax gonna fight!!


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