Chapter 8

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Rachael's POV

Half sac got to my house about 10 minutes later.
" Rachael?" He called threw the house.
"Living room." I yelled back.
He came in and saw my position and laughed.
" What did you do?"
" I wanted my phone and after I got it I couldn't move back. it hurt too much"
"Ok do you want me to help you"
"No I want to stay in this position for the rest of the day" I responded sarcastically.
"Ok" he said but I knew he knew I was being sarcastic.
"No I'm sorry please move me." he moved me back and sat down on the chair across from me.

We watched movies, some of which were sappy romantic ones that kip didn't like. (half sacs name is kip).
We talked and joked. And we became really good friends.

It was getting close to dinner so kip ordered a pizza. It came faster than expected but it didn't matter.

We ate and talked until jax came home. He was quite shocked to see kip there.
" What are doing here half sac?"
"Oh um well Rachael um wanted some company because she was um bored." kip stuttered. I could tell he was afraid of jax.
" Yeah I was bored because someone cough jax cough left me on the couch with the TV and my phone too far from me."

He had no argument so he just kip to get out. Kip left very fast.
"It's not nice to scare him"
"He's a prospect I do what I want to him."
"He's nice jax you shouldn't be mean to him."
"He gonna but up with whatever me or the club do until he's patched."

I glared at him and told him to the me to my room. it sucks I had to do that because I was mad at him.

That night I didn't get much sleep I kept having nightmares about being shot. Like it was gonna happen again.


Authors note:

A Trager's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now