Chapter 6

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When I looked at Rachael all she did was whisper my name then collapse, I caught her before she hit the ground.
I inspected her and saw she was hit in they side.
" We need to go to the hospital! Rachael was hit!" I called out. Everyone rushed to action to get us to the hospital. me and tig in the cage the others following on their bikes.

When we arrived I called for a doctor and they took her back into surgery.
Tig tried to follow but they said he couldn't, he almost shot the doctor but Clay called him off.

We waited for hours till a doctor came out with the news,
" Family of Rachael Trager?" We all stood up but tig stepped forward and told the doctor he was her father.
"She will be fine, the bullet missed anything important but her side will be sore and she probably won't be able to move for a while." tig nodded his head close to tears but held them in.
" Can I see her?"
"Yes you can all see her if you wish just don't over whelm her" the doctor tells us the room and we all go there.

Rachael is hooked up to the machines and it looks a little terrifying. we leave tig to have a moment with his daughter without everyone there.

A while later tig came out and told everyone they could come in. We all stayed there till the doctor came back and told us visiting hours were over and they wer could take her home tomorrow.

Rachael's POV

Great a night at the hospital. I hate hospitals but at least I get to go home tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up with an uncomfortable pain in my side, a nurse came in and gave me some pain killers.

Jax came to pic me up and we got some more pain killers.
" Your gonna stay at my house while your bed ridden" he told me.
"What why?!"
"So I can keep and eye on you" I didn't have the energy to argue with him so I just agreed.

I mean staying at Jax's house could be fun. Right?


Authors note: so a second chapter in one day!! And Rachael is ok!

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