Chapter 33

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Rachael's POV

I left the hospital with Gemma silently. I didn't know what to think. I can't be pregnant. How am I gonna tell Jax? Am I ready for this? Is Jax ready for this?

I started to hyperventilate.

"Rachael you need to calm down " Gemma said. " Breath. "

I did as she told and started to follow her breathing. I soon calmed down enough for her to get me to the car and take me home.

"Jax is gonna leave me. "
"No he's not. "
"Yes he is! He doesn't want to be tied down. "
"You guys are in a relationship. "
"Yeah, but he doesn't want a family, we haven't been together that long gem, what am I gonna do. "
"Your gonna man up, this baby needs you to be strong. "
"Your right. I can do this. "
"You also need to tell Jax."
"No I can't. "
"You and I both know he's gonna know something's up immediately when he sees you "
"Fine, I'll tell him later, when I go to the clubhouse to tell my dad. "
"Okay Hun, well I have to go and finish up some paperwork at TM, I'm sorry to leave you like this"
"It's okay Gemma don worry"
"Okay, I'll see you later"
"Bye. "

I sat around my house for another hour thinking of what I would say to Jax and my dad. I didn't want my dad to kill Jax. And I didn't want Jax to leave because I'm pregnant.

It was 4:30 before I even realized it. I wanted to be at the clubhouse by 5. I quickly showered and got ready before leaving.

I pulled in to the lot and saw opie sitting outside.

"Hey opie. "
"H-hey Rachael. "
"Where is jax"
"He's in his dorm.. " He started to say.
"Thanks opie".
"But I wouldn't go in there " he yelled.

I didn't understand why he said that until I got to the door.

I heard the moan through the wall. I hope I'm wrong.

I opened the door to find Jax having sex with some blond.

Tears blurred my vision as I turned slammed the door and ran off.

"Rachael wait!" Opie yelled as I passed but I ignored him.

I ran into the office where I knew Gemma was.

"Rachael what's wrong?!" Gemma asked alarmed at my state.
"Jax he doesn't want me or this child"
"What do you mean?"
"All he wants is blonde bimbos. " I said and ran back to my car and drove off.

I packed a bag of all my essentials and sent Gemma a text telling her to bring my dad and my dad only and to meet me at the airport.

Authors note: uh oh! Where is she gonna go? What's Gemma and tig gonna do?

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