Chapter 16

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Rachael's POV

"Questions for what!!" I yelled at agent stahl.
"Questions about illegal gun running and more." She said calmly.
"They don't run guns." I told her. Who does think she is.
"I'll decide that. " She said. " Now if you would please come with me."
"I'm not going anywhere with you. "
"This can go an easy way or a hard way. " She stated in a bored tone.
"You have nothing on me I don't have to go anywhere with you. "
"So the hard way. " She said and pulled out hand cuffs. She cuffed me and put me in the back of her car.

"You can't do this!"
"Actually I can. " she stated. And got in the car.

She drove to the charming police department, maybe unser can get me out before she starts.

Stahl lead me to an interrogation room, I saw Unser and he gave me a look saying he would call my dad. Not sure how well that will work because they are all on a mandatory run.

Stahl left me alone in the room for I think 30 minutes but I can't tell for sure. When she came in she brought in a cop the works for charming PD and it just so happened to be the one that hates me with every ounce of his being.

"Ok Rachael are you ready to get started!" stahl asked.
"Do I have a choice?" I asked sarcastically.
"No you really don't " she said and I glared.
"So first what's your relationship to Jax teller. "
"We are together. "
"Ok, have you ever heard hm, your father or anyone from the club talk about guns or drugs. "
"No I haven't. " I lied. Good thing I'm a great liar.
"Have you every seen guns inside the sons of anarchy clubhouse. "
"No I haven't. "
"Can you tell me what you see here. " She asked while laying out photos of the guys and the Mayans.
"I see the guys and some other guys talking. What's this have to do with anything? "
"These people are part of another gang and we have proof of them having guns. "
"So, that's doesn't mean the sons do that. " I told her.
" Why don't you just stop being a biker whore and tell the truth. " Mark said. (The cop that hates me)
"I'm not a biker whore and I'm telling the truth. "

He slapped me, right there in front of stahl. She didn't do anything except make him leave.

She told me I could go because I argued with her about him slapping me. It was uncalled for and they can't hold me anyway.

Unset stopped me just as I was leaving.
"I could get a hold of anyone but they will know what happened here today. "
"I know, and I'm gonna have a bruise because of mark slapping me."
"Yeah. They won't be happy about that. "
"I've really gotta go unser I'll see you another time. " I waved and walked back to my house.

I hope the guys don't do anything to drastic when they find out.


Authors note: new chapter guys!! And thank you so much for all the views it's really great!! :D

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