Chapter 25

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Rachael's POV

I spent the week avoiding jax. Every time I would see him in town I would turn the other way. He would come to my dads house looking for me and j would sneak out the back. Yes I know it's childish but I couldn't help it. I need to think about everything.

"Rachael, you need to talk to him." My dad stated.
"I know..."
"So go do it. "
"I can't. "
Why not?" Dad asked getting impatient.
"It's complicated. "

Dad just rolled his eyes and told me he was going to the clubhouse and left. I got ready and decided to go to the gym and maybe do some yoga if I had time.

*hours later *

When I was done at the gym I started to walk back to my dads. I got the feeling that someone was following me or watching me or maybe both.

I entered a random store and made my way back a big so j could see just outside and the front of the store.

I was looking to see if I saw anyone I recognized and sure enough I did.


Authors note; who do you think is following Rachael??? Someone good or bad??

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