Chapter 11

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Rachael's POV

We all followed my dad and jax outside and heard him tell jax to get in the ring. Great. Just what I needed my dad fighting the guy I've loved for years.

" Dad don't!" I yelled and tried to pull his arm. He picked me off and Chibs caught me before I could hit the cold cement.

Instead I was ignored and my dad and jax got in the ring. I couldn't watch them fight so I hid my face in Chibs chest.

After what seemed like hours the fight was over. Jax won because my dad was too drunk to throw a punch.

I took Jax's hand I ignored the fact that he flinched when I did, and lead him back to his dorm room. I sat him on the bed and grabbed and cloth and wet it and cleaned his wounds.

When I was done he put his hands on my waist and pulled me in-between his legs.

"Stay with me tonight." He said.
"I can't. "
"Yes you can." I really wanted to but I didn't want another fight between him and my dad.
"No I can't."
" Please." Great he was begging. He gave me his puppy dog eyes and I caved.

He smiled really big and pulled me into his bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep very fast.


Authors note; so guys please tell me what you think of this story and let me know ways you think I could make it better:)

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