Chapter 22

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Gemma's POV

My son is an idiot. I drove Rachael back to Tig's house and when I looked over I saw tears silently falling down her cheeks.

When we pulled into Tig's drive way Rachael got out of my car silently and I followed.

I turned her around and hugged her.

"I'm sorry my son is such an idiot. "
"It's not your fault. " She told me.
"I've got some business to attend to know. Will you be alright?"
"Yeah I'll be fine. "
"Okay. "

I got in my car and went back to the club house. I am gonna hurt jax. I love my son but sometimes he can be so stupid.

When I pulled into the lot Tara was gone, I didn't see tig beating jax so he must not know.

"Jackson!" I yelled angry.
" Not now Gemma I need him" Clay said.
"Well you can wait! I need a word with my son!" I said angry and glared daggers at both of them. Clay backed off, he knew not to test me right now.

"The office. Jackson now!"

He nodded and walked into the office. I followed after him.

" What is it ma?"
"Do you really need to ask me that question really?!"
"You saw me and Tara I take it "
"yes and I'm not the only one either. "
"Please ma tell me that Rachael didn't see "
"Oh she did and now she's heart broken because if you. " I said and slapped him upside the head.

" No man you don't understand it's not at all what it looked like. "

" oh it's not, because it looked like you and tara were making out in the lot. "

"That's not what happened!" he yelled.

"Don't you dare yell at me Jackson teller!" I glared.

"Fine. But what really happened was Tara pulled into the lot and asked me if we could talk, I told her that we could do we came out here away from everyone, she attacked me and I tried to push her way then I heard a car screech out of the lot and she finally loosened her grip enough for me to finally push her off. Then she mumbled my work is done and left. "

"Well shit Jackson! It looked like you guys were making out in the lot and that's what Rachael thinks you did!"

"I know "

"Well you better go fix it!"

"I will. " He said and started to walk to his bike.

But before he could SWAT and charming PD pulled into the lot.

"Get on the ground!" Agent June stahl yelled as she stepped out of the car. The police went into the clubhouse and the garage and pulled the guy out and pushed them on the ground.

" Your all under arrest" she said.
"Gemma call our lawyer. " Clay said and I nodded.

"I'll come for you and the other one soon. " Stahl said to me.


Authors note: first of all I would like to thank you all for the votes and reads it means so much to me! Love you all!
Now to the story. Some drama in this chapter. Do you think Rachael will forgive jax or did Tara mess it up for good? Will rachael still be in town when jax and the other can get out of jail?

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