Chapter 20

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Rachael's POV

I sat at in the office of TM doing the paper work that Gemma couldn't get to. A chick with shoulder length brown hair came in.

"Hi can I help you?" I asked. She looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Um yeah could you tell me if jax teller is here?" She asked. Why would she be looking for jax?

"No he's not here right now but I can leave a message for him. "

"Okay, could you just tell him Tara stopped by. " She said.

That's how I knew her. This was Tara knowles. She and jax were together in high school then she broke is heart by leaving. I always hated her.

"Sure thing. " I told her.

As soon as I saw her car leave the lot I ran to find Gemma.

"Gemma!" I yelled when I saw her.
"What's up Hun"
"You will never guess who just came in looking for jax. "
"Ima? "
" No not that whore. I took care of Her last week when she was looking for him. "
"Okay then who?"
"Tara Knowles"
"No way"
"Way, she was here looking for jax "
"Well she better stay the hell away Jackson doesn't need that in his life again. "
" I know. "
"I'll just pay her a visit later and let her know that jax is off the market and that he needs to leave." Gemma said with a blank face. I nodded my head and went back to the office to finish the work.


When jax got off of work he drove us home on his bike.
Yeah me and jax live together. It was kinda sudden. But I practically lived there anyway to one day last week he opie, and happy moved all my stuff to his house. That was his way of asking me to live with him. I was okay with it and thanked him ( if you know what I mean ;) )

"Jax I have something I need to tell you" I said to him when we got inside our house.

"What's up babe?" He asked but I could see worry in his eyes.

"Tara Knowles is back in town and she was looking for you"


Authors note: I know I said I wouldn't add Tara and that she and jax weren't together but I decided to change that I needed some more drama in the story.

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