Chapter 15

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Rachael's POV

When I woke up my dad was still asleep so I made us some breakfast. Which consisted of pancakes, bacon and toast.

Then I went to wake up my dad. I ran into his room and jumped onto his bed.
"Wake up dad!" I yelled as I jumped.

He groaned and woke up.
"Would you stop jumping!" he yelled.
I stopped and told him I made breakfast.
"I knew I missed you at home." He told me.
"For my cooking? Nice, dad real nice. " He laughed.
" So you and jax? " He asked.
"We are together. " I told him.

Clearly he wasn't expecting me to say that because dropped his for and his face turned into a stone cold glare.

"Excuse me." He said his voice matching his face.
"Me and jax we are together." I said once again.
"I thought that it was just a fling."
"No we are serious. "

He laughed a cold laugh when I said that.
"Jax teller in a serious relationship yeah right. "
"Well we are "
"Baby girl I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he won't stay faithful he is a player. You could do so much better. "

Hearing him say that kinda hurt. But I knew he did have a point. Would jax stay faithful to me.

"He will stay faithful, I trust him. "
My dad sighed in defeat I knew it was only because he was too tired to argue and would probably try to continue later unless he got drunk enough.


When my dad had taken me back to the clubhouse it was empty. I asked my dad why and he said the guys went on a run and that he would meet them at a break point. Then left.

I went to search for Gemma but she wasn't around either. So I took my car and went home.


"Um hi?" I said when I answered my door.
"Hi I'm agent June stahl ATF. "
"What can I help you with?"
"I'm here to bring you in for questioning of the club sons of anarchy. "

Authors note: so Rachael is gonna go in for questioning. Is that why Gemma isn't around? What will jax and tig have to say or the whole club for that matter?

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