Chapter 29

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Rachael's POV

"It's time to talk" I said and jax stood up.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"
"I saw you and tara kissing. "
"We weren't kissing, she threw herself at me and I was trying to push her away... I heard my moms car leave the lot and it was too late. "
"Jax it looked like you were kissing her back and trying pull her closer to you. "
"Believe me it wasn't like that I swear. I only want you. "

I looked down.

" Darlin please believe me there's only one girl for me and it's you."

I looked up at him and looked into his eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth so I walked forward and wrapped my arms around his waist burying me head in his chest.

I felt him let out a sigh of relief and the wrapped his arms around me pulling me even closed to him.

Jax backed us up so we fell of his bed. We started to kiss and he deepened it almost immediately. And I think you know where it went from there. 😉


The next morning I woke up wrapped in Jax's arms out leg tangled together and me using his arm that wasn't around me as a pillow.

He opened his eyes and smiled down at me.

"Morning baby" he said. Gosh that morning voice is hot.
"Morning" I smiled.

Jax moved down and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss.

"Jax I have to get up. "
"But I don't want you to" he whined and held me tighter.
"Jackson teller " I said in a fake stern voice.
"No your gonna stay here with me. "
"But I have to pee"
"Fine go then come straight back. "
"Okay.." I said.

He let me go and I got up. When j got back jax was just laying there waiting for me.

I got back in the bed and was instantly back in his arms. I smiled.

" How long are you going to do this?" I asked.
"For a while"
"Because you were out of my arms for too long. "

I went to reply but was interrupted by a banging in the door.

"Hey you guys didn't kill each other did you?!" Someone yelled from outside.

"Go away!" Jax yelled back.
"Why are you guys getting freaky!"
"Go away now!"
"Fine just don't let tig know what your doing!"

We heard them walk away and jax laid back down and buried his head in my neck.

" please don't leave me again " Jax whispered.


Authors note: yay they made up!!! What do you think will happen next??

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