Chapter 31

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I walked back to my dorm after the talk with tig. Rachael was fast asleep curled under the blankets.

I I took off my jeans, shirt, and cut and got back into the bed.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. She unconsciously curled up on me and laid her head on my chest.

I laid there for a little while until I fell back into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke up again Rachael wasn't in my arms. I looked around the room and saw she wasn't in here at all. I got up and dressed and walked into the lobby area.

I saw Rachael at the bar talking with juice and half sac. I walked up behind her, set my hands on her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Morning sleep head." She smiled.
"Hey darlin. Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Thought you could use the sleep. "
"Thanks babe. "

" sorry to interrupt but.. Jax we have a run. " Clay said walking up behind us.
" shït that's right. " Jax groaned.
"It's okay I'll be here when you get back. Just no other women and remember I always know. " Rachael said dead seriously.
"There's only you babe. " I kissed her then followed Clay out the door.

All us guys go on our bikes and started our drive to Nevada.


Authors note: I'm sorry this chapter is so short. My next update may take a bit longer because I'm gonna try and write out the next few chapters so if I start taking to long just let me know and I'll get something up.

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